Members of a well-known Russian metal band, Korrozia Metalla, were arrested Saturday evening by police during a concert and charged with “propaganda of Nazi symbols,” authorities reported. “Police officers with the support of the National Guard arrested three members of a music group in one of the clubs in Nizhny Novgorod,” regional police said in a statement.

The three members of the group, aged 57, 19 and 42, are accused of “propaganda or public display of Nazi paraphernalia or symbols”, an offense most often punished by a fine or a short period of administrative detention. Police said they had seized t-shirts and books “bearing prohibited symbols”.

According to the group’s director, Maria Rounova, interviewed by the state agency TASS, the symbols in question are “old Slavic symbols.” In images of the concert posted on social networks, we can see the police burst into the room during the concert and force spectators to lie down on the ground, sometimes in a muscular manner.

The cultural sector in Russia is increasingly under pressure from the authorities, after more than two years of conflict in Ukraine coupled with all-out repression against dissident voices.

Last December, a party for “almost naked” participants, organized by Russian celebrities in a Moscow club, sparked a scandal and a criminal investigation, forcing the participants to issue a public apology.