I would wildly like to work in Facts. I’m good at what I do and I love it.

– UNFORTUNATELY, all the shops found out that you can just get interns from the job centre!!!

– HOW should it help the unemployment, when the municipalities are to REMOVE posts from the job market just for the ‘activation’ ???

How to write the 29-year-old Shelli Andersen in a letter to the editor to the Extra Blade on the møgsituation he ended up in. He is living with her boyfriend in Randers, and call themselves ‘Butiksarbejderen who can not get work in the shop’. His letter continues as follows:

‘Anyone can get work in the store’ is called. Gu can they not!!

– well, if you are on social assistance or unemployment benefits and are willing to work for free for the flimsy hope of getting a job….

– I lose my unemployment benefits if during a year, and my prospects to get a job in a field where ‘all can get the work’ looks ridiculously bad.

– Then I should probably prepare myself to get a job, I would hate to stand up to every day because the government must have enabled the unemployed….

– Why should people who do not bother to work in the store deprive me of MY chance to work with it I passionate about??

And let’s not get started with massebrugen of young workers, which makes my outlook even worse…

– Yes it was probably a little bit negative but it goes me on that it must be SO difficult for those of us who actually bother..

– in Order to connect the positive, I hope you all will have a good day or evening, writes Shelli, who would like to have a focus on to the many nyttejobs, internship, job training and ressourceforløb, people on various forms of public service to implement, takes the posts from people like him.

In november, there were approximately 29.000 benefit claimants and social assistance recipients, which was in the activation, according to Statistics Denmark.