After the ‘ no ‘ to Brexit-Deal of the Prime Minister, May has rejected the British house of Commons, a withdrawal from the EU without an agreement. All the signs are now on a displacement of the exit.

The British house of Commons has voted by a majority against a disorderly exit of Britain from the EU. A request, in which the government is urged to avoid a Brexit, without the agreement necessarily has been adopted by a 312 to 308 votes in short supply. A second Amendment sought in the event of a disorderly exit, an extension of the deadline was rejected.

Britain’s Prime Minister Theresa May in the house of Commons. The majority of the deputies rejected a disordered Brexit.

extension of the deadline on Thursday is likely to

the decision to leave the EU without agreement is not Legally binding, although, he increases the chances of a delay of withdrawal from the European Union. In addition, the members of Parliament are duck tomorrow evening. It is an extension of the deadline by several weeks or months. However, a prerequisite is that all 27 other member States agree. The UK wants the European Union is actually on the 29. March, leave.