There is no immediate prospect that the hated contribution rates will be lowered just preliminary.

It is clear, after the gebyrkritiske rebels from the Fair contribution rate, on Tuesday evening suffered a bitter defeat at kampvalget to the powerful governors in the Unified Credit, which holds the majority of the Nykredit Realkredit, Nykredit Bank and Totalkredit.

Nine candidates competed for the four seats, but after the election it became clear that only one of the association’s four candidates were elected.

There is talk about Troels Ravn Klausen, who with only 20 votes down to number five just obtained the fourth highest number of votes.

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for years, there have been protests against the realkreditinstitutternes increases in the so-called contribution rates. But after the election on Tuesday night, customers of Nykredit and Totalkredit not reckon with the fact that they have lower contribution rates are just preliminary. Photo: Ernst van Norde

Prior to the ballot had Fair contribution rate otherwise announced that they would try to kuppe polling and unyielding went for all four seats.

on Tuesday told president Chresten Ibsen so as to Ekstra Bladet, that the association has for several months had worked hard to obtain proxies through its association members.

at the same time, had also attempted to recruit support physically would meet up at the stemmestederne in eastern Jutland.

Thus there was laid up for a competitive elections between the gebyrkritiske association representatives against the incumbent president Nina Smith’s four people.

When the votes were counted, and lacked Fair contribution rate, the candidate with the fewest votes only a little more than 100 votes to be elected. In total participated 2342 members of the election – which is a new record.

the Votes allocated as follows:

Chresten H. Ibsen (president of the Fair contribution rate) – 1.002 stemmerHans Jørgen Kirkeby (member of the Fair contribution rate) – 1.031 stemmerKenn Esmann Nielsen – 1.065 stemmerKirsten Vang Nielsen (member of the Fair contribution rate) 1.035 votes Michael Mortensen – 1.219 votes Mie Hook – 1.266 votes Pure Løt – 123 votes (ni) Tommy Bøgehøj – 1.135 votes Troels Ravn Klausen (member of the Fair contribution rate) – 1.085 votes

the Extra Leaf has on Wednesday morning tried in vain to get a comment from the president of the Fair contribution rate, Chresten Ibsen, despite plenty of airtime in the media, did not manage to obtain enough votes to be elected.

But in an email to FinansWatch he writes:

‘There were four seats. 25 per cent. went to the Fair contribution rate’ candidates. I am proud on the homeowners ‘behalf’

In a comment to the Federated Funds website thank the current president Nina Smith, the candidates for their commitment:

‘I would like to say thank you to all those who voted and participated in other ways – and particularly also to the candidates who were not selected. Democracy requires participation and conversation, and I hope to be able to continue the conversation, even if it is not in the board of governors in this place,’ says the opinion.

President Nina Smith was also on the election Tuesday night. She stood among business customers. Here there were four candidates for four seats, and she was therefore automatically selected. Press photo

It is far from the first time that an association of critical homeowners are trying to get influence in the powerful governors in the Unified Credit.

Back in 2016, tried the critical association Consum to get chosen by a number of members in the board of governors. Then went to the Unified Credit under the name of Foreningen Nykredit, and here it succeeded the critics to get elected six members into the 104-member council of representatives.

The powerful board of governors

the Board of governors is the highest authority in the Unified Credit and consists of 104 members.

Members come from all over the country and chosen from among in the so-called ‘valggrupper’. The four valggrupper consists of residential customers, business customers, bondholders, and employees of the group.

By-election on Tuesday evening in Jutland, were chosen representatives to the board of directors among business customers, retail customers and bondholders.

the Group of members from the Fair contribution rate asked up under valggruppen residential customers. Here asked a total of nine persons up to the four seats.

the current president of United Credit, Nina Smith, was on Tuesday evening also at the choice. She stood among business customers. Here there were only four candidates for the four seats and she was thus pre-selected.

Source: Unified Credit

Since they are wielding power in the association has been criticized for trying to keep regular people outside the board.

the Company is member-owned, but in 2016, could Extra Magazine along with several other media demonstrate that for the ordinary borrower it is virtually impossible to be elected into the board of representatives and have an influence.

A quick count before Tuesday’s election to the board of governors shows that out of repræsentantskabets 104 members were 57 people with the title director.

in Addition, 12 farm or landowners, five lawyers, one former minister, three real estate agents, a professor and two engineers.

Only a single førtidspensionist has found its way to the board, while neither are nurses or craftsmen among the home owners ‘ representatives in the powerful body. Should this be the case, it does not of the Federated Funds overview of the board of governors.