AUSTIN. It was a picture that no one could avoid: ståuppkomikern Kathy Griffin, with stenansiktesmin, held up what looked like Donald Trump’s bloody head. In fact, it was a Halloween mask drenched in ketchup, but the symbolism was clear enough. And if it was not it helped the title of nöjessajten TMZ: ”Kathy Griffin decapitates Trump”.

the Reactions were immediate and powerful. If there was a storm when the Dixie Chicks made their statement that they were ashamed of that (former) president was from Texas 15 years ago, it was now of full hurricane force. The power of the social media made to disgust, condemnation and threats spread globally in just a few hours, not least through president Trump and his family.

upcoming reservations on the Griffins a US tour cancelled, after threats against stadiums and theatres that booked her. She had been fired from CNN, where she, together with Anderson Cooper used to lead nyårssändningen from Times Square in New York city. Threats of death against her were innumerable – and many of them were such that the FBI considered to be ”immediate and credible”.

Griffin was named, in headlines and on social media, that IS-followers, an image that still persists today among the Trump-supporters and right-wing sites. Even her mother, and to severe cancer sister dödshotades

” in My career, so I knew it was over. Yet it was only the beginning, says Griffin, when she appears at the festival SXSW in Austin, to present the documentary, ”Kathy Griffin: A hell of a story”, was interviewed by the site Recodes Kara Swisher.

Kathy Griffin Photo: Chris Maluszynski

was that she was also the subject of two federal criminal investigations, from the Secret Service and the justice department. Within a short started a preliminary investigation on ”suspicion of conspiracy to murder the president of the united states”, a crime that gives life in prison. The investigation lasted two months, before it was removed from the register following a hearing with the Griffin.

” I argued, in principle, as a terrorist. I got banned one time and still have any note in my passport, which means that I will be taken care of as soon as I get to an airport. Sometimes, released I pretty quickly, sometimes it can take several hours, with the seized the passport and mobile, ” she says.

the turning point came when she decided to make her story to their show, with merciless humor: ”The laugh your head off tour”. She booked everything for yourself, because no one else wanted to undertake the mission – (”I started with the countries and cities where they also hate Trump”) – and built up a stage show where she hangs out all that she believes wronged her.

” I am a 58-year old woman who has always had to cope myself. I have nothing to lose, I am the mayor of the Zero Fucksville, I know that I will never get a paid behalf of someone else for the rest of my life. So they can go to hell, all of them. It is they who should be sacked and prosecuted.

she says She doesn’t regret the picture, but she will have to live with the consequences of it for the rest of his life.

, which has become a huge success in the united states, with probably zero Trump supporters in the crowd, also represents the bulk of the documentary she funded and which is now itself also trying to get distribution for, after the world premiere on Monday in Austin. It is raw, straight and furious fun, but also has a serious purpose.

” I want to show that this can happen: the president of the united states may decide to exploit their maktapparat and their trollarméer to destroy an individual’s life. I still face serious threats and attacks everywhere I go, every day. Despite the fact that nothing I did was illegal.

along with photographer Tyler Shields, ”as a joke by many.” But before it was, she showed what she was going to do for his lawyer, to make sure that it is kept within the limits of the law.

” I’m a comedian. I live for the freedom of expression. But it is also my job to show how much it must accommodate.

she says She doesn’t regret the picture, but she will have to live with the consequences of it for the rest of his life.

”And how was it: you were never a member of the ICE?” asks Kara Swisher during a intervjutimme that gets the crowd to shake with laughter.

” I was working in souvenirshopen a week, it was not more than so, responds to the Griffin with lightning speed.