parts of Venezuela are now for five days without electricity. This exacerbated the problems of many people. The Parliament is called the alarm state.

On the fifth day without electricity, the desperation grows: In Caracas, people get water from a filthy river. Tap water, there is hardly any. Since the power failure that persists in some parts of the city and the Federal States since Thursday, is broken the water supply.

Big problems for the population

The mutual recriminations of the government and the Opposition are interested in the affected Venezuelans. You want the electricity finally comes back. “In the first three days I thought I was going crazy: there is No power, no water! Oh, God, until when should we endure this?” a woman asks. “Whom does this benefit? Thieves and looters. And we? Imagine a life without water. We can get infections, because everything is so dirty.”

parts of the country, as here, a district in Caracas are without electricity for days.

another woman has a fear that everything is collapsing and maybe even the cooking Gas isn’t working. “Imagine how life was without electricity for us is that we have been living for years in the severe economic crisis,” she says. “We are concerned with nothing else, as food. And now? I am a single parent with two children.”

There, where on Monday morning the lights came back on, loaded up the people quickly their batteries and were looking for petrol and food. However, the shops remained closed. Again, the socialist government had a work and school day is arranged. So the Chaos was manageable.

public transport is largely silent

there would be the few operating gas stations prepare for large crowds.

In Caracas, the Metro. Many buses are at a standstill, because you get no gasoline. The lack of fuel, exacerbated by the dramatic situation. Long queues form in front of the few gas stations that can operate their petrol pumps by power generator. But what if the generators fail?

Many hospitals in the country to report defective generators. Several patients have come, therefore, according to the doctors organization “Medicos por la salud” already perished. Opposition leader Juan Guaidó speaks of at least 17 Victims.

appeal to the international

In Parliament which elected him in January to the chief and interim President had made, he called out the national alarm condition. Is likely to change little because the government is violence still remains in the hands of the socialists.

Guaidós appeal was rather, as he addressed abroad. “There is no crude oil deliveries to Cuba. So that Venezuela financed, indirectly, the intervention of Cuba in our Affairs,” he said. “Above all, our soldiers know the Cubans are and of our armed forces. In addition, we ask you to help the foreign countries, to prevent oil Supplies to Cuba. The Venezuelan people need to be Oil to deal with the Alarm and state of emergency.”

ruled Since the oil-rich state socialist, he helps his ally Cuba, which sends in return, Doctors to Venezuela. However, the Oil production is broke due to mismanagement and corruption. U.S. sanctions against state oil production worsen the condition.

If Guaidó Cuba threatens, is likely to be in the sense of the U.S. government, which had announced last week to tighten the provisions of the decades-old embargo against the island. In the country Guaidó has little room to maneuver. To him, only the pressure of the road. For today, he has called for new protests.

The United States is pulling its last diplomats from Venezuela. The US Secretary of state Mike Pompeo announced on the night. The government in Washington had decided in January that, in view of the worsening crisis, all is not urgently needed, U.S. diplomats from the South American country to be deducted.

Guaidó Germany asks because of power failure to help, 11.03.2019 large parts of Venezuela without electricity, 08.03.2019 Atlas |Venezuela |Caracas

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