believe at Least in Texas they are still in Europe. EU Commissioner Margrethe Vestager is regarded as a Nemesis of American IT companies, and here at the technology conference South by Southwest (SXSW) in Austin, a whole room full of Tech you are, therefore, at the foot of Interested. If the Commissioner for competition on Facebook and Amazon says: “We want this Innovation, but to listen to humane conditions”, to her spellbound listeners, laugh at their jokes, and seem to agree: The Vestager-way is the right way.

those Who think that the big companies like Google and Facebook should be harder to be regulated, so as Vestager is doing it, asks the presenter on the stage. 99 percent of all the hands in the room shoot up in the air. Also in the United States has turned the mood against “Big Tech”, the large IT-corporations.

High penalty on Facebook

The 50-year-old Dane sits twice at SXSW on stage. She talks about how she has in the past few years a Tech group to the other: Alone, three procedures led against Google, because of the group’s other companies had also felt his Power, and by it they could far to the rear in search of the exiles, and thus practically invisible. “Have you already clicked on page 4 of the Google results? I keep my secrets, because that’s where she sees no one,” jokes Vestager.

a high penalty on Facebook in Addition, because the company had made the Acquisition of Whatsapp on false information. Currently Vestager checks Amazon’s dual role as a platform and vendor: miss the company needs data from retailers that sell on Amazon, you outdo the competition? In the USA, the authorities did not dare to do.

For some Vestager something like the only Torwächterin against what some of the Europeans perceive as the Invasion of U.S. corporations. Vestager can trace this weekend, their influence here in the United States. In any case, it is the most powerful Reguliererin of the world, when it comes to competition. From California to Brazil, legislators are oriented now to the EU-rules for the digital world. “It’s really amazing how much the big Tech companies they hate,” says a presenter to your. Vestager is not responding: “I don’t know if this is true, but if it is true, is it a distinction.” The citizens had become “for some companies” to production capacity, she says. Means: He provides the data, the group earned the money. “It was very painful to watch, how dominant companies are abusing their Position.”

“For us, it would be the last resort to smash the company.”.Margrethe Vestager

the Commissioner is likely to be the trip of a confirmation: your aggressive strategy against the corporations many people like it here, too. And, although regulation of Silicon Valley in the USA was for long a foreign word – finally, the Apps and websites of the Large were comfortable for consumers. Intervention in the competition to protect the competitors, there were hardly any.

However, arrived after a number of data scandals, in the meantime, take a tougher stance against Facebook and Google in the political debate. The Senator and presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren had spoken of the need to make the large Tech mergers undo, in a word: Smash. Your rival for the candidacy, Senator Amy Klobuchar speaks of to networks such as Facebook to pay tax on sales you make with your users ‘ data – or a part of the value of its data directly to the consumer to pay off.

the toothless applicable US competition authority, the FTC will be more active. “The debate’s now going on properly,” said Vestager. It is yellow plastic from glasses with the stars on the EU flag on the glasses and the Flyer is where the importance of trade with the EU is for Texas.

“Your tax lady the United States really hates”, said the President of the EU Commission Jean-Claude Juncker about Vestager.

The agreement, which undergoes the Commissioner here, in contrast to the opinion, the US President, the Donald Trump of her. “Your tax lady hates the United States really,” said the President of the EU Commission Jean-Claude Juncker, because Vestager had condemned the US group Apple to repay billions of euros in saved tax money to Ireland. To say the meeting with Apple’s CEO Tim Cook, in which this is supposed to be very noisy, in Austin: “Well, we are all very passionate in what we do.”

Vestagers quiet type is a counter-weight to many other appearances at SXSW, which are often a mixture of sermon and sales pitch. However, you will also in terms of content, there is no risk. Almost a good girl, she praises Facebook’s boss, Mark Zuckerberg. The has declared he wants to protect the privacy of users of its Apps, Instagram, Whatsapp, and Facebook better. “If you implement this, this is a first step and shows that you want to change something.” The company have listened to the Public.

you can Apple, Amazon and Facebook bleed

Even with the sharpest weapon of monopoly control, it is cautious: “For us, it would be the last resort to smash the enterprise.” Various European politicians had called for in past years, to smash Google. In an interview after their performance in Texas, it turns out, however, that Vestagers Team has not elaborated on the legal basis on which such a step could be based. How Divestitures might work in the EU at all, knows none.

From the point of view of Tech-companies and radical free-Market Vestager is a PROTEK tionistin that does just what it promises: a free competition guarantee. You can according to this reading, Apple, Amazon and Facebook in favour of bleeding, that European companies have slept through the digital Revolution for a long time. On the protectionism charge mentioned: “I take this question very seriously. Because one of our principles in the EU’s treatment, no matter under what flag they sail.” Do not use competition law as a political weapon: “Everything we do, must be the court, therefore, it must be based on facts, and we can’t afford any distortion.”

it is one of the few that can oppose the Offensive of the nationalists Charisma.

their defense Vestager pointed out that they bend also in between European groups, such as the mergers of the stock exchanges in Frankfurt and London, or, most recently, the Alstom and Siemens. Not only Tim Cook is mad at you, but also Joe Kaeser.

Vestager is perhaps the only Commissioner that is no good, at least in progressive circles as a European figure of identification. As their performances in Austin show that it works even on the other side of the Atlantic. One of the few that can oppose the Offensive of the nationalists in the EU Charisma. Therefore, the President of France Emmanuel Macron has supported you. The conservative top candidate Manfred Weber should be found after the European elections in may, a majority in the Parliament, could such a theory in Brussels, Vestager and with the support of liberals, social Democrats and Greens for President of the Commission will be elected. Although it is not available to the citizens of all.

However, Vestager talks to a possible candidacy for high office is vague. “This is a system error. Traditionally, the only men in their sixties.” Which does not exclude, that you want the system error to trigger. With the much-vaunted Disruption, she knows now. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 11.03.2019, 21:30 PM