A day before a crucial vote in Parliament, the British Prime Minister, May break up a lightning visit to Strasbourg. She wants to meet with EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker to negotiations on the Brexit Treaty. In the vote in Parliament on Mays-Brexit Deal is a defeat – and the time and threatens her until the scheduled discharge on may 29. March is of the essence. the

The British Prime Minister Theresa May will travel on Monday evening to Last-Minute talks on the Brexit to Strasbourg. The first had proclaimed the Irish foreign Minister Simon Coveney in the afternoon – and the British government later, the German press Agency confirmed. According to reports, wants to meet Jun with EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker to negotiations on the Brexit agreement.

May want to submit on Tuesday, the Parliament in London with Brussels negotiated to exit the EU agreement. So far, you are, of all things, but only small chances of success. It is speculated, therefore, May could try to put in last-minute concessions from the EU on the table. The agreement should be rejected on Tuesday, will May represent the MP before the choice between a departure without a Deal and a shift of the Brexits.

May revolt

looming in the face of imminent defeat, there is the speculation that May could leave on Tuesday about the agreement, but a request Version vote. Individual members of your party threatened May in this case of a revolt. A government spokesman disagreed, while the corresponding Reports. What exactly are the deputies on Tuesday submitted to, he said.

Despite a blockage in the Brexit talks hopes the EU Commission is still awaiting a ratification of the withdrawal agreement with the United Kingdom before 29. March. Now, the British Parliament, this week was to make important decisions, said a Commission spokesman. It was “always open for further Meetings of the sub-distributor”.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) campaigned for the recent proposals by the EU Commission. This is an important offer had been made in the direction of the United Kingdom, she said. It is very much to be welcomed that the Commission had made a variety of proposals, such as maintaining the withdrawal agreement “is a very a lot more legal clarity”. It was up to London to answer it.

great Britain had the exit from the community for the 29. March announced. As in the London Parliament with no majority for the Deal in perspective, a shift is probable.

The Brexit-the agreement was already cracking in a first vote in Parliament in mid-January. The house is in the Brexit course completely at odds.

the sticking point is the so-called Backstop: as requested by Brussels, a guarantee for an open border between the EU-state of Ireland and British Northern Ireland. So far, it is provided that great Britain should remain as a Whole in a customs Union with the EU, until another solution is found. But the reject the Brexit-hard-liners in Mays Conservative party.