in 2018, the Switzerland reached a new record of overnight Stays: 38.8 million overnight Stays in Hotels were booked. So many as never before. According to new Figures from the Federal office for statistics.

The views of the individual regions also revealed significant differences: for example, the Ticino region had to record a decline of 7.5 percent to 2.3 million Nights, while in all other regions, on average, 4.2 percent more people booked a hotel overnight than in the year 2017.

Individual communes in Ticino, such as Cevio or Maggia even had to accept a decline in the occupancy rate of over 20 percent. A look at the following interactive map shows.

Jutta Ulrich of Ticino tourism looks not so tragic. She says: “The year 2017 due to the commissioning of the Gotthard base tunnel and a unique Raiffeisen-action an exceptionally good year for the Ticino.” A decline in the following year was, therefore, not surprising.

Actually, Ticino recorded in the year 2017, with 2.5 million overnight Stays in 2011. At the previous peak values, the year 2017 wouldn’t. Ten years earlier, such as the Ticino, had registered 2.8 million overnight stays. So when you look at the development over the last fifteen years, the overall trend is clear: The Ticino loses not only recently, but since years tourists.

In many other regions, however, could be starting in 2016, the decline turned. The number of overnight stays rose again.

especially after the 2008 financial crisis and the strengthening of the Swiss franc, the tourism regions struggling with declining visitor numbers from abroad. Particularly painful, the decline of the German tourists was: you have 30 percent less today, in Switzerland as a holiday than in 2008. And here, too, the Ticino was particularly hard hit. The number of overnight stays of German tourists declined since 2008 by nearly half a Million in the half.

The Region Lucerne/lake Lucerne managed to compensate for this loss. Here is the break-in after the financial crisis, was considerably shorter. “Lucerne was able to position itself early in the overseas market, as the Region has a diversified and wide guests to wear. Also helped that the urban destinations are less strong of the currency-related setbacks, from 2008, were affected,” says André Aschwanden of Switzerland tourism.

A glance at the statistics shows that in the Region of Luzern about 60 percent of the foreign tourists coming from Overseas, more than in any other tourism regions. These groups of tourists are there, to compensate for the decline in European tourists since 2008, respectively, to help the Region, even a significant growth.

in General, there are large differences in the regions in which foreign tourists prefer to go on holiday. Chinese go nowhere rather than in the Lucerne Region, also the Indians, Koreans and even Thais is one of the Top Ten. In Grisons, play Chinese tourists, however, only a very minor role. Here especially German, which account for about 40 percent of the foreign tourists feel.

for this analysis used only the classical hotel industry reflect. In addition, there are camping places, holiday accommodation, and mass accommodation, which is Switzerland far for even a good 16 million overnight Stays. Also, non-private objects, which are rented through online platforms such as Airbnb are taken into account, about this, there are no nationwide statistics. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 08.03.2019, 19:37 PM