Hello. the

– As agreed, you get just a picture of our princess, and proof that it is gone in order 🙂

– It is, by the way, the first smile caught on camera.

so begins forældreparret Michelle and Brian an email to the nation! about the end of the nightmare that began when their newborn Olivia was registered incorrectly and got a social security number as a refugee.

as you maybe read the other day, so there was none in either Kolding hospital or with the authorities that could help them – and gradually as the days passed, and they could not get to the f.ex. the doctor, with Oliva, they became anxious and wrote to the nation! It put the slide in the system, and today has Olivia so received proof that she – exactly like his parents – a dane:

– today we received a personattest at the Olivia, where it appears that we have gotten it Danish cpr on her.

– With personattesten there was a personal apology from the churches.
– We have been commissioned time for 5 ugersundersøgelse on her, that we could not before due to the error .
– We are really happy that you could help us, as none other knew what had to be done, or spoken with. the

It should not be so difficult to correct mistakes

– We all can make mistakes, it is only human. But it simply must not be so difficult to get rectified such a mistake.
– It who had the profession’s 12 days it took you 3 hours 🙂

– Now we will enjoy our daughter, with ro in the guts and enjoy the fact that there is a track on that :), write Brian, Michelle & Olivia sincerely.