Member countries of the European Union have been voting for 11 hours on the Commission’s proposal to authorize the use of the controversial herbicide for 10 more years. Its approval expires on December 15. France has just abstained. “We are not against glyphosate but its use must be limited to cases where there are no alternatives,” says the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty. What the Commission is proposing is not appropriate, which is why France is abstaining. And to recall that France had reduced the use of this controversial molecule by 27% in five years. “We have proven that it is possible to reduce its use by seeking other agricultural practices and by supporting farmers,” continues rue de Varenne. Unless there are any last minute surprises, according to the Ministry of Agriculture, we are moving towards “no opinion”, that is to say a decision without a qualified majority (55% of member states representing 65% of the European population) for or against the Commission text. The latter will have to review its copy and present a new document within a month during an Appeal Committee. “We hope that France’s position requesting supervision of the uses of glyphosate and a study showing its consequences on biodiversity will be taken into account in this new text,” we assure you in Paris.