The message in the book ‘We are the climate’ of Anuna, The Weaver and Kyra Gantois that tomorrow appears, is not new. The two Flemish girls in Belgium the jongerenklimaatprotest put in place, have noted what they already for several weeks on the street and in the media to proclaim: address the problem and “join the movement”.

In ‘We are the climate’ target Anuna, The Weaver and Kyra Gantois, autograph collection is in the various chapters to the politicians and decision-makers, their parents and grandparents, their own generation and to everyone. In the chapter that is addressed to the politicians and decision-makers, are the two klimaatactivisten the edge. the

So do they pick up it not that they by politicians as pessimists be described. “We are not doomsayers. (…) On the contrary: for you, there are people who still believe in the policy. Why would we not protest? We look at the facts. And we say that we of you a drastic policy to expect”, what it sounds like.

also Read Portrait of Anuna, The Weaver (17), the klimaatstrijdster that no boy and no girl wants to have No opinion, but facts

The Weaver and Gantois hammering out that they are not their opinions, but declare the scientific facts to quote. “We know that we don’t know everything. It is for us about our future, about the life that we will or will not lead, if nothing drastically happens. That have scientists and academics actually understood. Therefore, they support us”, says the.

We assume that you are against climate scientists will not say that they have less need to shower

“so that three hundred climate scientists. Their can’t you naivety blame. We assume that you are against them will not say that they have less need to shower and that she is on the university to better recycle”, it sounds snedig.

Continue protesting

To their parents and grandparents questions, The Weaver, and Gantois, autograph collection to their voices, open conversations with young people, and also in his own bosom look. Of their own generation expect the klimaatactivisten that they are not passive, because “we cannot afford”. the

The Weaver and Gantois say, however, to recognize that they are in a privileged situation. “In contrast to many other young people, we enjoy so many opportunities and possibilities that we find that we take our responsibility for them.” And that by continuing to protest.