“The liberals in a meeting where to poke the top names in”

“the Liberal national executive has blixtinkallats for the meeting this morning.”

“The thing to discuss is the future of the top name in the EUROPEAN elections, Cecilia Wikström, according to Expressen.”

“It should, according to the newspaper be party leader Jan Björklund (L), which has called up the powers to a conference call. “

“Why should according to information provided to Expressen to be about to poke Cecilia Wikström as the top names for the EUROPEAN elections. “

“the”High work””

“Wikström yourself have defended their double chairs.”

” I will work 100 per cent for my electorate. I have high work, and after 10 years in the EU-parliament has been such a routine that I will do this also. It is fully consistent with my mandate as an mep, she said to SVT in connection with the uncovering.”

“Aftonbladet has been in contact with Jan Björklunds’s press team, who declines to comment right now. “

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