Doping in sport We have the latest haven’t seen of ‘Operation Aderlass’. The Austrian investigation into doping in the sport is growing. Main conclusion: blood doping still seems to be one of the common practices to hear. “No surprise,” says former dopingzondaar Michael Rasmussen.

The Austrian dopingvlek is increasing. After a few skiers and two riders well known again today for an Estonian winteratleet. Cyclists Georg Preidler and Stefan Denifl by the International Cycling union (all with immediate effect suspended. From different angles it sounds that the case of blood doping to have a landslide could happen. And that Operation Aderlass – ‘Operation Haemorrhage’ in English – so it will be expanding to other athletes in other branches. As a key player in dr. Mark Schmidt had the past few years, namely football players, cyclists, weightlifters, athletes, and cross-country skiers in his waiting room to sit.

That dr. Schmidt is not unknown. In the past he was a team doctor at team Gerolsteiner and Team Milram. That first team set up he has the epogebruik of Stefan Schumacher and Bernhard Kohl (3rd in the Tour of 2008). More than ten years later, witnesses 40 found bloedzakken and Georg Preidler that Schmidt again with a dopinghandeltje was working. Preidler showed at the end of last year, two-time blood test for Schmidt. That, in order to enrich it with epo, and later again in.

Preidler stressed, meanwhile, that he that blood to now have never found in his body had been brought. “I wanted to achieve more in my sport, but actually you are only the thought and the fraudulent intentions of a crime,” he said in the Austrian newspaper Kroner Zeitung. “The past days were a nightmare. I ate and slept no more. I don’t know if the doctor has everything encrypted, and whether I condemned word. But I could no longer live with this secret.”