The majority of car-sharing cars in Europe, driving in the city, you would probably expect the least. Moscow was for a long time as the Juggernaut, the traffic contributed significantly to. On the streets Chaos and the law of the jungle prevailed.

Comprehensive regard for traffic rules was the exception. Was parked where a car hinpasste. Not infrequently, also in the second row. It went to Parking to be recalled to Moscow more than two decades after the end of the Soviet Union real socialism: There was a great deficiency. If the traffic allowed, played motorists with a hundred things and more about the thoroughfares of the city. Road markings had grew best if the character of recommendations, the number of traces, as long as the vehicles fit side by side. Usually, however, all motor vehicles, whether on the day or in the night, in a traffic jam. Moscow’s clogged streets are still as famous as in Russia the colorful onion domes. In spite of all efforts to prevent the collapse of the traffic system.

Moscow is the jam of the main cities in the world. According to information from the traffic data provider Inrix, drivers in the past year, 210 hours in a traffic jam. The average speed, if it went ahead, was only 18 km/h. After all, the traffic decreased density of something: to twelve percent compared to the previous year.

210 hours in a traffic jam

The city government has less than six years ago the fight against the Chaos started. Streets are narrow, pedestrian walkways are now wider. There are Parking spaces, which are pay by SMS. Rage will be punished with severe penalties, wrong Parking as well. Generally, the transport is significantly more considerate.

at the same time the public transport will be expanded to the network; Metro, Bus and train lines to grow. Trails for bikes and electric scooters. Also, car sharing is a small part of the big changes seen in Moscow for years.

Timur Titov: “car sharing is cheaper than driving to Metro.”Photo: Oliver Bilger

Timur Titov, a young Muscovite with black hair and dark eyes, is thrilled. He uses the offer of “at least three times per week”, goes to the store or to work. Until Recently, he worked professionally with cars as a Reporter of a television programme about Driving. The Car, the 30-Year-old, had become in the city “too expensive”. Its Toyota Corolla uses Titov now only for longer trips out of town.

16.500 vehicles

be ready In autumn 2015, has approved the Moscow car-sharing, the notorious clogging the streets to dissolve. The use has rapidly calculated and multiplied: of 45,000 trips in 2016 to 23 million in the past year, as the city. Moscow is one of the fastest growing markets in the world.

a Total of nearly 16.500 vehicles in the Russian capital, by a good dozen vendors. “We are far ahead of other European cities,” said mayor Sergei Sobyanin recently. Only Tokyo has in the global comparison is even more – almost 20,000, as many as the German Share Now in 30 cities.

Foreign firms have misjudged Moscow’s potential apparently. “Now the Russian market is a local car-sharing company occupied,” the Agency quoted Bloomberg recently Anton Ryazanov, the head of the car-sharing provider Yandex-Drive, “the entry of large international players is unlikely.”

White, orange, blue, black: The cars of Yandex Drive.Photo: Dmitry Serebryakov, imago

The IT course deer Yandex, a kind of Russian Google, has brought almost half of the shared cars within less than a year on the streets of Moscow. The white, orange, blue, and black-painted vehicles easily fall into the eye.

Parking fees solid

increases To keep cars out of the centre, have increased the authorities of the Park fees drastically. As Moscow established the end of 2012, for the first time, a Parking ticket vending machine, tasted of Central places a scarce euros per hour – today, five times. Car-sharing vehicles in the city, however, strong advantages.

Why make use of Titov and the other 12.6 million residents even own a car in such traffic jams, and a working transport? 252 stations to the Moscow Metro. To operate at peak times, the trains almost by the minute. Outages, road closures, replacement bus services are rare exceptions. Two years ago, another train-ring railway opened, the orbits, the Moscow unearthly. Why rise at all in the car? Titov’s answer is pragmatic: “It is simply very cheap,” he says, “cheaper than driving with the Metro.” Car sharing will cost from four cents per Minute, far less than in other cities. It is the only fee, Parking, gasoline, insurance are included. A Ticket for the Moscow Metro, by comparison, costs at least 50 cents. In addition, Titov and other motorists have to choose from: from small cars to Porsche. Titov favorite model is a E-class from Mercedes. Even if it costs a little more, 16 cents per Minute.

The enthusiasm for car sharing surprised, after all, the car was one long to the most important status symbols of big city dwellers, who could afford to the Soviet Union and years of deprivation, the necessary purchasing power. For years, rave about the car dealer of great growth. More than seven million vehicles registered in Moscow.

car-sharing as a threat

to force Many motorists are still prefer to own cars in a traffic jam, with other passengers in a metro wagon. Whilst it was “still important for many Russians to own a car,” says Titov, “but the meaning as a status symbol”. He believes that in the future, Car sharing, Taxis and public transport are allowed in the centre, while the other a City toll would have to pay. In fact, the city is considering first driving prohibitions for the benefit of higher air quality, and freer roads. In these days, a Plan should be presented.

Titov in 2016, used the new services for the first time, suffered from the System in some Places. Auto parts were stolen from the vehicles, is reported by Titov, even the tyres were not safe. To driver’s license and passport were verified, were able to pass two weeks, in the meantime, in a few clicks in an App for a driving licence. This can also mean danger: for example, if a Teenager can build with stolen or counterfeit Cards cars borrow and accidents. In his TV show, Titov had reported on such a case. A man had not to get a penalty, even though he sat not at the helm.

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Alexander Fröhlich

After his Fernsehjob Titov New car wants. The planned business model also has to do with car sharing. With providers, he negotiated a cleaning service for the cars. Temporary staff could clean over night the vehicles. The Details need to discuss. Sure is now: on snow, mud, dust and exhaust gases, a lucrative business awaits in Moscow is also here.