thousands of opposition supporters have demonstrated in front of the Albanian Parliament against the government of Prime Minister Rama and for new elections. The EU is trying to convey.

In the Albanian capital of Tirana, thousands of opposition supporters have surrounded the Parliament and the government resigned. A large number of police cordoned off the building and put up wire fences.

In recent weeks, there had been multiple demonstrations. It had come to violence. Protesters threw hard objects at the police, which responded, in turn, partly with tear gas.

For weeks is demonstrated in Tirana repeatedly against the government.

allegations of corruption against Prime Minister Rama

The protesters accuse the socialist Cabinet of Prime Minister Edi Rama of corruption. They accuse the politicians also have ties to organized crime, and demand the formation of a government of Experts, which will organize new elections. Rama since 2013, in the office in June, 2017, he won a second mandate.

EU urges Dialog

in Protest against the government had placed members of the opposition Democratic party Offices in Parliament. The European Union condemned the. The resignation of mandates hinders the Functioning of democracy in Albania, contrary to the will of the voters and be “counterproductive”, and warned the EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini and enlargement Commissioner Johannes Hahn in a joint statement at the end of February. They called on the Opposition and the government, a “constructive dialogue” with the political opponents.

Albania, with its 2.9 million inhabitants, is one of the poorest countries in Europe. The country hopes this year talks with the EU accession to be able to open.

Protest in Tirana against the “corrupt government”, 27.01.2018 Atlas |Albania |Tirana

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