“Bank: Will never be something that is called democratic racism”

“What are the consequences if one drives in an environment that calls the swedes with a foreign background immigrants?”

“A politician can be a member of parliament and rättspolitisk spokesman in Sweden’s third largest party.”

“A training seventeen year old can stand and shake before a court.”

“I do not even have the things,” he says, sjuttonåringen.”

“He was in a ran against Jimmy Durmaz during the world CUP, called landslagsmittfältaren for ”disgusting blatte” and wrote to him that he knew where he lives, that he ”would be on their guard”.”

“Sjuttonåringen has apologized, but is now being prosecuted for unlawful threat and insult, may be sentenced to damages. He comes from Småland perhaps we need not know.”

“What we need to know is that he does not come from nowhere, that his words do not come from nowhere.”

“A lawsuit that feels uncomfortable.”

“Prejudice always lies in wait, even in an enlightened society. It can flare out in the a entries, a careless reply, a nedrighet in the small. Most of us humans have a need to assert ourselves vis-à-vis the other. And then there is the prejudice against the deviant – alien, the stranger – available as a last redoubt.”

“It is where Sweden has known in fifty years, we knew it when we were the world’s best country, but in recent years, we have done away with that knowledge. “

“It was racism that was the closest to when the drive got the scent of a footballer who made a fool of himself. Not the insults that time: racism. Your äcklige blatte. “

“When the trial begins in the Växjö district court, it is a lonely young guy who stands in the centre, and it is easy to feel a little sorry for him. He says himself that he ”wanted to be a bit of fun” but also notes that ”it was not so much fun”. Pie in the sky. It is a lawsuit that feels uncomfortable, since there is such a large gap to fill between the suspected offender and brottsbeskrivning.”

“Assault and racism? A well-paid idol and landslagsstjärna against an anonymous teenage guy from Småland? On the internet and in social media are all wolves are gray, everyone knows, we are hotmejl or anonymous påhälsningar in our profession – you have not a clue if there is any psychopath who want to kill one or if it’s just a guy who wants to be a little funny.”

“The second gap is a crucial issue, and it cuts straight through the image as I and many have of what the sport, the actual oxygen need to be.”

“It shall be democratic, and there are – as Stieg Larsson, Sweden’s most widely read author in modern times, noted – no such thing as ”democratic racism”.”

“Is no vital issue for Sweden”

“A seventeen year old acting rarely seen without the subsidies, a perceived or real. He shoots rarely, on its own initiative. A seventeen year old want to be a part of something, to feel that it has a context. In a polarized Sweden a bit in the 2010s, it is fully possible to fall into the gears and movements that find their meaning in the prejudice against the deviant, the stranger, a football player from Örebro who have parents who come from another country. That may even have long beard.”

“It starts with a feeling, a nagging, abstract irritation on the other. Around his or her clothes, the way to talk, högljuddheten in line to make a purchase. What did Palme… ”the ignorance of other people’s individuality, fear of losing a position, a social privilege, a right of first refusal”. The internal frustration. And so sanktionerandet from the top, politicians who say it may not be said (in this country). The insults against a babbe, a blatte-lover, this talk of ”my country”. “

“anyone who commits crime should be prosecuted and held to account, but a lonely seventeen year old is no vital issue for Sweden, or even for Jimmy Durmaz.”

“he and his lagkompisar in the national team, the millionaires and the stars and role models, did when they stood up and said stop in the midst of its success-the world CUP last summer – it was also the show in which Sweden they are proud of.”

“Where is the intersection, where there is conflict.”

“Our sport should be democratic, our country should be democratic, those who want to take it for something elsewhere are our enemies, regardless of which language they speak.”

“There is no reason to accept the threats and hatred, there is no reason to keep silence in the face of prejudices or receive crap.”

“And there will never be such a thing as democratic racism.”