Young people who are interested in policy, you should look carefully and listen, if members of the Federal government to judge public about their behavior. You could learn something from this. Minister of justice Katarina Barley. The social Democrat, praised at the weekend, the free daily Protest of the students against the failure of the policy against the climate change in the highest terms, and suggested in the same breath, to lower the voting age to 16 years. The young people demonstrating for the protection of the climate and so dedicated, was “great,” said Barley, adding: “Such young people we want.”

the goal of lowering the voting age is not new. What is new is that the European top candidate of the SPD with the fighters of the “Fridays for Future” in a connection, the tails regularly to the lessons. Had Barley traded so if, for example, in the German cities of youth-Demos against open borders are notified? It is only the Minister of justice, for “good”, so politically correct young people, or she is the guardian of the political rights of all young people? Just Barley would have to actually fight for that right regardless of ethos needs to apply for the Unpleasant.

And then the Chancellor. The has called on the Munich security conference in mid-February in front of foreign politicians and military from all over the world “Fridays for Future” as an example of uncontrollable Internet mobilization – the sound like a warning against tampering, and so to danger. CDU General Secretary Paul Ziemiak derided as the “Fridays for Future”-the initiator of Greta Thunberg on Twitter as naive and wrong-headed (“is Not a word of jobs, security of supply, affordability. Only pure ideology”).

politicians Fridays for Future praise “” more likely for tactical reasons

Now, Angela Merkel praises of a sudden, the young comrades-in-arms and comrades-in-arms of the Swede in Germany. And forgets to mention strange, what even the environment Minister Svenja Schulze emphasized That there is still such a thing as compulsory education in this country. Has possibly just given a choice, researchers at the Federal Chancellery, a finding that a majority of the German great respect for the brave Greta Thunberg with your hat and the initiated climate-protests feels?

Both politicians nourish the suspicion that you are less of a thing, rather than your own benefit, that your judgment about the student protests is purely instrumental. Also, young people who are interested in politics can make it your rhyme. Your very own.

More about

“Fridays for our Future,” Greta Thunberg: The class President

Maris Hubschmid

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