“Diplomat: 70 000 protest in Algiers”

“the Police are using water cannons to disperse demonstrators protesting against the regime in Algeria.”

“Around 70,000 people have gathered in the capital Algiers to show their dissatisfaction against the regime, according to a diplomatkälla.”

“Tens of thousands of people gathered in cities around the country on Sunday to show their dissatisfaction with the sjuklige 82-year-old Abdelaziz Bouteflika sets up for a fifth term of office. Only in the capital is estimated around 70 000 people have gathered.”

“the Police have clustered in the capital to crack down the protests. Hundreds of students who tried to march against the constitutional council in Algiers, where politicians submit their candidacies before the presidential election, was shot at with a water cannon.”

“And if events develop as it did on Friday, it can go violently.”

“Major protests – which are very rare in Algeria – is also underway in the cities of Oran, Constantine, Annaba, Batna, Blida, Skikda and Bouïra.”

“We will not stop until we get rid of this system,” says the 23-year-old student Aisha participating in the demonstrations in the capital.”

“In France, has around 2, 000 people with roots in Algeria made themselves out to protest.”

“Bouteflika, a candidate”

“The first candidate to submit the candidature was Ali Ghediri, a retired general, who is challenging the country’s military elite and Bouteflikas the party of the FLN.”

“– I say to the people: A new dawn has begun, ” he said when he submitted the document.”

“at least seven candidates have registered – including Bouteflika. But it is unclear if he appeared in person. He is believed to be in Switzerland, where he is being treated for an unknown ailment. Swiss media have reported that the president should stay there over the weekend, and Bouteflikas party has announced that his candidacy can be submitted through a representative.”

“the Country’s largest islamist party has said that they are boycotting the elections if Bouteflika sets up.”

“Algeria has some 42 million inhabitants, is Africa’s largest country. The country’s exports of oil and gas account for 95 percent of export revenues and 60 percent of the state budget.”

“Algeria, a French colony from 1830, and became independent in 1962 after a nearly eight-year long and bloody liberation war.”

“Demonstrations in October 1988 did the authorities declared a state of emergency. Democratic reforms were introduced, but when the islamist party FIS won the elections in 1991, stepped the military, which triggered a civil war that claimed about 200,000 lives between 1992 and 2002. The armed islamist group GIA was accused of much of the violence.”

“During the civil war, in 1999, won Abdelaziz Bouteflika presidential elections with military support. He launched a försoningsprogram who led thousands of militants to lay down their arms.”

“in the presidential elections In april 2014 and won Bouteflika for the fourth time. According to the official figures, he received 81 per cent of the votes.”

“the parliamentary Elections in 2017 gave Bouteflikas the party of the FLN and samarbetspartiet RND an absolute majority in parliament.”