The distance between the CDU and the Greens seem to grow after the change of leadership in the Christian Democrats. Greens leader Robert Habeck criticized in the “Rheinische Post”, the departure of the CDU under the new Boss Annegret Kramp-karrenbauer of the refugee policy of the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel. It was “remarkably wrong”. So Merkel will have to leave the course for the benefit of the Seehofer-line. Wrong Kramp cart Builder, a climate policy course.

The CDU politician Jens Spahn also sees significant differences between the parties. In the case of the expansion of safe countries of Origin, questions of internal security or the balance between Economy and Ecology in terms of climate policy, the differences are “still very high”, said the Minister of health of the “world on Sunday”. To it have given no clarification, “I can imagine a black-green coalition in the Federal government.”

Also, the Green politician Cem Özdemir sees growing differences: “There is no “black-and-green project”. And, unfortunately, the Union has overslept in the area of climate protection, the pressure to act, and since the Jamaica-talks of us moved away,” said Özdemir, the “world on Sunday”.

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makes about inter-of A representative survey by the opinion research Institute Emnid for the “Bild am Sonntag”, according to the currently ruling Grand coalition for most Germans is not high in the course: 63 percent of them, it would not be bad if the Alliance of the CDU and the SPD would break even this year, apart. Only 29 per cent would miss him. Least Jamaica would have been able to win according to the polls-coalition of the CDU/CSU, FDP and the Greens a majority. (dpa)