Zaventem The volunteers to cat Bassie continue to search, switch up to a higher gear. They are praising now also a reward of 300 euros out for who the cat is. After four weeks, the awareness begins to grow that this is becoming the last chance. “But we try to have the courage to love”, sounds at the by now tired volunteers. The two-year-old cat, disappeared at the airport after a flight from Turkey.

Bassie came on Thursday 31 January with a flight of TUI is from the Turkish Alanya to Zaventem, but when the future owners of the two-year-old cat wanted to retrieve it, they found only a damaged and empty kennel. The owners held since then together with friends and family numerous searches on and around the airport, but in vain.


The Netherlands Simone van der Meiden, who was responsible for the transfer of Bassie from Turkey to our country, and another volunteer shared the last weekend, again out flyers on and near the airport. Then state that a reward of 300 euros for the person who Year to find. When the female deceased is found, the finder still 100 euro. “We hope that this motivates people to be even more to look,” says Simone, who, among others, to the market in Steenokkerzeel pulled.