Venezuela’s self-proclaimed interim President Juan Guaidó has called for an overseas trip to new protests in his homeland and wants to return, despite the threat of arrest to Venezuela. He would compete after his visit to Ecuador on the trip, said Guaidó on Saturday at a press conference with the President of Ecuador Lenín Moreno in Salinas without a concrete date. For Carnival Monday and Tuesday, he called for demonstrations.

in view of the in Venezuela, the threat of law enforcement to the possible return of 35 is expected to-Year-olds with voltage. Against Guaidó a determination procedure, because he at 23. January self to the interim President was appointed. Because of the procedure he would have allowed Venezuela to leave. Nevertheless, he travelled on the Friday before a week to Colombia. Then, he met heads of government in several South American countries, including Brazil and Argentina. For Sunday was originally also scheduled a visit to Peru.

In Venezuela, a fierce raging power struggle between the government and the Opposition. The leader of the opposition Guaidó is supported by the United States, many Latin American and European countries. The acting President Nicolás Maduro, in contrast, can count on China, Russia and its allies in Cuba, Bolivia and Nicaragua.

EU fears an escalation of tension

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The European Union warned Maduro’s government before an arrest of the opposition leader. Any action that is threatening the freedom, safety or personal integrity Guaidós, it would mean a significant escalation of tensions, said the EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini on Saturday evening, on behalf of the member States. In addition, it must be expected that a decided condemnation of such a step by the international community. “The members of the national Assembly enjoy a constitutionally guaranteed immunity, which must be fully respected,” reads the EU statement.

foreign Minister Heiko Maas (SPD) has criticized the role of China and Russia in the Venezuelan struggle for power and called on Maduro to early elections. “The game on time, Maduro may not work,” he said the düsseldorf “Rheinische Post” (Saturday). Russia and China had stopped on Thursday a US design for a Venezuela-Resolution in the UN security Council with their Veto. The draft had called for a political process to be “free, fair and credible” presidential elections with international observers in the crisis country.

Germany promises to help in conditions

Germany, according to the words of Federal development Minister Gerd Müller willing, five million euros to provide emergency aid to Venezuela. A prerequisite is that the “permit conditions”, said the CSU politician of the editors ‘ network, Germany (Saturday). “The guide to Maduro must now set, finally, any Form of violence, and auxiliary supplies to the country,” he said.

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Venezuela has the world’s largest Oil, but suffers since years under a severe supply crisis. Last weekend Guaidós failed attempt, relief goods from Colombia and Brazil bring to Venezuela. At border crossings there were severe clashes between opponents of Maduro and the Venezuelan security forces. (dpa)