2011 resulted in a Tsunami to the Fukushima nuclear disaster. In the meantime the workers came to go back here every day and – in street clothes. Operator Tepco widespread optimism, critics are skeptical.

The flower beds seem to be freshly raked. The mirrored disks cleaned. The right-of-way is intended to convey the impression of order and cleanliness. The technology Park welcomes its visitors, is in ruins, in reality, an atom, the staggered years ago, the whole world in fear and terror – it is to believe in the first Moment hard to come by.

Today, hundreds of workers daily in and out of crisis, the mood is more noticeable. Tepco has been the operating procedure reorganize. So may be worn to 96 percent of the terrain, in the meantime, simple street clothes. Tepco is also proud of the fact that the surface radiation could be lowered.

With spray concrete against the radiant dust

this was made Possible by the sealing of the floor. Large-scale distributed shotcrete has fixed the radiant dust. Thus, the daily Work is going to be safely possible, so Tepco. Also a small supermarket there is here for the employees, and Lounges NAP for lunch.

Self directly in front of the reactor buildings, the hosts remain calm. Hideki Yagi, in the communication “risk communication”, is a middle-aged man, the appearance externally, as the embodied seriousness par excellence. Now he is unmoved on the spot for an Interview – without heavy protective clothing.

Fukushima – eight years after the disaster
mirror of the world, Ulrich Mendgen, ARD Tokyo

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