The american elbilproducent Tesla is throwing all its eggs in one basket and bet that the car sales in the future will look different than today.

How to interpret the Jan Long, there are market research analyst at the Danish Bilbasen, Tesla’s decision to close the physical stores and now only sell the electric car the Model 3 on the internet.

– They will save a lot of money by closing the physical stores, but they will probably lose some customers who have a desire to try the cars out in the physical reality before they buy, he explains.

John Long highlights the fact that many of the Danish Tesla S owners have bought their car on the web.

– in fact, We have a new trend. Ten years ago, visited a bilkøber on average the dealer five times before making a purchase. Today we’re down to one visit, he says, and adds:

– Tesla-the buyers are already very digitally oriented. You have already for many years been able to buy cars online. So the risk by closing the physical stores are not so great.

– the Tesla has a fairly significant and bulky marketingskampagne. You meet them in many places in the digital universe, and so it is a very strong brand, especially in relation to those who are interested in electric cars.

Tesla’s factories have taken a step which is contrary to the way most americans buy a car today.

It explains Jessica Caldwell, analyst at the – a website with a focus on price trends in the automotive industry. She says that older car buyers are less likely to purchase cars via the internet.

– But a full return in seven days will probably calm many. If they know that they can bring the car back if something goes wrong, they will probably look different on it, and she says to AP.

In many states laws require that cars must be picked up in physical stores, where the buyers can meet up and kick a little to the tires.