The United States and South Korea intend to waive their joint large-scale maneuvers in the spring. Instead, smaller Exercises were being planned. With this decision, the relationship to North Korea is to be improved.
The United States and South Korea have announced the end of their joint large-scale maneuvers. The annual Exercises “Key Resolve” and “Foal Eagle” will be set, the Pentagon said. On US Secretary of defense Patrick Shanahan and his South Korean colleagues, Jeong Kyeong Doo had agreed in a telephone conversation. According to data from Seoul instead of the smaller Exercises are planned.
The decision to support the diplomatic efforts to end the North Korean nuclear program and to reduce military tensions and contribute, said the South Korean defense Ministry. The United States and South Korea hold for years, joint military maneuvers. North Korea viewed this as a provocation and preparation for Invasion.
Trump after the summit for better relationship
the “Foal Eagle” was the largest joint maneuvers the two allies. In the past the 200,000 South Korean soldiers and 30,000 U.S. forces were involved in the programme. The Exercise “Key Resolve” was largely modeled on the Computer.
The notice to end the military maneuvers took place shortly after the second summit, commander-in-chief Kim Jong-Un meeting between US President Donald Trump and the North Korean power. Even if it was at the Meeting in Hanoi, a breakthrough, is committed to the U.S. President to improve relations with North Korea.
armed with sanctions prevented agreement, 28.02.2019 Atlas |USA |Washington D. C.