In Denmark – as in Sweden – illegal to fund terrorist activities, recruiting members for a terrorist group, to train in the terrorsyfte, or to go on terrorresor abroad. But it is also a punishable offence that was just a part of or in various ways to promote a terrorist group.

– The last twenty years the politicians have launched one terrorpaketet after the other and each time have the police got more gear to look for and listen to suspected terrorists, ” says Jens Ringberg, political analyst at Danmarks Radio.

against the united states on 11 september 2001, launched the then Danish government, a new an anti-terror law, ”antiterrorpakke”. It contained, among other things, a section on terrorism which states that it is guilty of terrorist offences can be sentenced to life in prison.

After the terrorist attacks in London in 2005, it was decided to extend the law, and in 2006 came the ”terrorpakken”, which mainly extended the police’s powers to investigate suspected terrorist activities on the internet, via telecommunications and through video surveillance.

several high-profile cases in Denmark. Among other things, was sentenced six people from tröjföretaget ”Fighters + Lovers” of 2008 to have supported the terrorist activities, after having printed up T-shirts and donated the surplus to the colombian Farc and palestinian PFLP, which both have terrorstämplats of the EUROPEAN union and the united states.

– today you can not in any way expressing sympathy for a terrorist organization, it can be sufficient to glorify terrorism via a smiley face on Facebook for it to lead to prosecution. It is a problem in relation to freedom of expression and in that respect, I think that it has gone too far, ” says Jacob Mchangama, a lawyer and founder of the Danish think tank Justitia.

also among the Danish politicians about how far it can go in the pressure within the anti-terror legislation without at the same time making far-reaching restrictions on fundamental values such as freedom of expression and assembly.

” We think that you should go far. The Danish act on freedom of speech is anachronistic, it was enacted at a time when concepts such as ”hatpredikant” or ”burqa” did not even exist. In Denmark, shall have the right to be heard but it must be done with respect for others, ” says Trine Bramsen, rättspolitisk spokesperson of the opposition social democrats.

According to her, it’s all about daring to set values against each other.

” What is most important? The right to be openly gay without having to fear for his life or the right to express his or her opinion? The trade-off going on all the time. For us it is the core of our values, of equality and of gender equality, and they must go before the freedom of expression, ” she says.

powers when it comes to the ability to track suspected terrorist activity on the internet. The högerliberala minoritetsregeringen are on the same track. As late as in november last year allowed the minister of justice, mr Søren Pape Poulsen announce that he wants to fight the radicalisation via the internet through common EU legislation, a common EU regulation to combat the spread of terrorisminnehåll on the internet is expected to enter force later in the year).

Peter Kofod, rättspolitisk the spokesperson for the right-wing populist Dansk folkeparti, think that Sweden is late, make it a criminal offence to participate in a terrorist organisation’s activities.

” When Jimmie Åkesson told me this, I thought I misunderstood him because of the language confusion, it made me very surprised, but also concerned. Going slightly crazy in Sweden it will affect Denmark as well, ” he says.