In the high black forest, on the outskirts of the Spa town of Titisee-Neustadt, stands a huge glass-domed structure. Over 60’000 square meters, the Badeparadies Schwarzwald stretches here, a world as large as some of the old zones, smaller Swiss cities. In the Winter, when the pine forests are snow-covered, could, inside, the contrast between the myriad of real palm trees and Northern pine outside plants hardly be greater.

The leisure pool complex is in three worlds a South sea hall with a huge pool divided in the Spa Palais Vital, the slide Paradise Galaxy, and the palm oasis. The 6000-square-meter Palais Vital is the latest addition opened in 2010, the adventure bath. It was opened last year, is a textile-free and from 16 years.

This could be for some getting used to, because you are staying in Swiss Wellness facilities in the rule, only in the sauna area as God of a created. In the high black forest, however, the people around are naked and totally relaxed in one of the six so-called vital pools: There is a 33 degree warm “champagne pool” with sparkling water, a suspension or a mineral pool. The heart of the Palais Vital with the Logo of a Venus in the Botticelli-style lagoon is the large Vital. The guests höckeln in the water on stools, sipping on a Hawaiian Dream, with vodka or swimming pool to the outside. Other tilt in robes clothed, in a Restaurant in front of the lagoon and your first beer. It is shortly before noon. It’s high time for the visit of Venus-Sky-Lounge.

This from the Rest of the Palais Vital completed Zone on the first floor is intended exclusively for women. The comes the fun, if one is female and the nudity against the Public rather skeptical. The Highlight of (the mixed part): a 36 degree warm, Lithium-Calcium-Pool, where you can totally let go. Apparently, Lithium, and Calcium are not to bring the body only in a spiritual balance, but also tightening the skin, bones and connective tissue, strengthening and mood-elevating effect. Your mood is also the Sun Lounge; a relaxation zone with sun light and heat, which mimics a sort of summer holiday.

art Nouveau, Alhambra or rustic home tube

Not only what rooms, Pools and relaxation areas, also with regard to the sauna, there is hardly a day to try it all: in addition to the woman’s saunas in the Venus Sky-Lounge with wall decorations such as rose petals and peacock feathers waiting in the mixed area, twelve more Sweat. Whether in the Sauna, Art nouveau with art Nouveau ornaments, the Oriental, Alhambra, or the home bar with rustic wood furniture: Here are the saunas differ less in temperature (almost all of them are means 75 degrees), but in terms of the establishment.

to Whom the rustic black forest theme in the home room-Sauna like, are also used in the massage. Because in the Pure-Balance-Massage-Lounge, which is also part of the Palais Vital, there are treatments in the black forest-style, including a “Black Forest”Massage with local Zirbelöl. It is worth to take care of right at the beginning of the visit to make an appointment, because booked the massages can be just right on the spot. You are, by Swiss standards, inexpensive (an hour costs about 80 francs).

Somehow the calories have to watch again to disappear

A deeply relaxed body after the Massage is a good prerequisite for the Rest of the leisure temple. Because it takes the nerves a little, in order to preserve this Sunday in the palm oasis of quietness: The big pool is Packed with people sipping in the water of Prosecco or just hang out. Swimming does no one here. The self-service restaurant, palm garden, guests in bathing suits are potatoes in line for the oven, the Asia-Wok-pan or black forest Gateaux. On the edge of the pool, a fitness instructor puts a few rounds of Aqua fitness. Arms on up, arms down, legs, legs. If you don’t drink straight, with power. Somehow you have to get rid of the many calories you fed all day, Yes.

In the third and final hall, in the Galaxy, spitting 23 every couple of seconds to Slip in the colors of the rainbow people. No corner that is not wet, and not a second, no one shrieks. The goal of Slip, it smells like French fries and burgers: in the Middle of the slide Paradise, a Fast-Food stands, where people with food stock; soaking wet and shivering after the exercise.

(Sunday newspaper)

Created: 01.03.2019, 15:23 PM