“Expert: be Surprised if you can’t find more”

“the 58-year-old is suspected for the 24-year-old rape in Billdal. “

“He has never before appeared in sexbrottsutredningar. “

“I will be surprised if you can’t find something more when you start digging,” says Paul Johansson, former head of the Gärningsmannaprofilgruppen. “

“The 58-year-old flerbarnspappan is believed to have been kept from justice for nearly 25 years. “

“During the Saturday detention, he is on probable grounds suspected to 1995 of raping an 8-year-old girl in Billdal outside Gothenburg.”

“His dna is consistent with what has been secured from the rape. “

“Aftonbladet has earlier written that the man, in addition to a hastighetsöverträdelse, were not in the judicial record until 2008.”

“‘ A history that does not come up to the surface””

“When he was sentenced for rough fridskränkning to have assaulted his own son on several occasions over a period of several years.”

“– It suggests that he has had problems, which is, of course, a history that does not come up to the surface, ” says Paul Johansson, former head of the police Gärningsmannaprofilgrupp (GMP). “

“the 58-year-old to be linked, in the moment, not to any other investigation of sexual offences or of other serious criminal offences. “

“But if the man really is guilty, the experts can not rule out that it is more than a engångsförbrytare. “

” I will be surprised if you can’t find something more when you start digging. It is strange if it just happened at that moment. Or so he has kept on all the time, without getting caught, ” says Paul Johansson. “

“spread widely on the brottsintensitet”

“Kriminologen and author Leif GW Persson says that the perpetrators of crimes överfallsvåldtäkter in general have a very high återfallsbenägenhet.”

“Can you commit this type of crime once and then never again? “

” It’s not so likely but it is at the same time impossible to answer because you are not sitting on the full answer. Something he has probably found. It is such an odd behavior, ” he says. “

“Kriminologen would still not be all to surprised if they stop at the rape in 1995. “

” I would not raise eyebrows then. For it is a very large spread on the brottsintensiteten. It can vary a lot and be special factors that makes you over a period of time is a hell of a lot of weirdness and then life, ” he says.”

“The detained 58-year-old denies the crime. “