“GW on cold case-the rape in Billdal”

“Leif GW Persson was drawn into the investigation when an 8-year-old girl was raped brutally in Billdal.”

“24 years later, a 58-year-old man in custody suspected of the deed.”

“– He had probably thought that he would survive – no one is happier than I, ” says kriminologen.”

“The 8-year-old girl was on her way home from school when a man in jeans and a leather jacket stood in front of the red bike and stopped her.”

“the Man pulled the girl into the bushes and raped her under threats.”

“Kriminologen and author Leif GW Persson remembers the brutal Billdalsfallet from september 1995. “

“He was himself resident in Gothenburg at the time of the attack. “

“– At the time I was a professor in the polisforskning. They called me from the investigation and asked if I was interested in. So I was out and looked with the cops and was on some questioning.”

“You aided the investigation? “

“– Assisted is to take in. I accomplished not a damn pillekvitt in a practical sense. But I of course had the views and will follow this with great interest now, ” he says. “

“According to Leif GW Persson judged utredningsläget relatively good. “

“– Despite the fact that the girl was so young and was about things she should not have been, she was a good observer and could leave a picture. They had a good hope of solving it where the case and checked up on a lot of people. But it gave nothing, ” he says. “

“the Years went by, one after the other.”

“GW: No one is happier than I”

“You had secured the suspect is the perpetrator’s dna, but never managed to get up any trace of him.”

“the Time was about to run out. In march next year, would the case be time-barred. “

“But, after January 1 this year, thanks to a change in the law, the police do a so-called ”familjesök” in their records and managed to track down a relative of the suspect.”

“Then, the step was not far to the suspect 58-year-old man.”

“He wore the correctional institution green clothes and showed no emotion when he was arrested during Saturday. “

“– He had probably decided that it here I will fix, that is to say, get away. He had probably thought that he could survive. Now he did not do so, and it was so fucking well if you ask me. No one is happier than I, ” says GW Persson. “

“He believes that technological progress is making more breakthroughs in cold cases investigations are to be expected in the future. “

“– There are very few serious violent crimes to be cleared up in this way. My congratulations to the Göteborgssheriffen from the one which was in the initial stage.”

“The detained 58-year-old denies the crime. “