” We can confirm that police may have discovered any förberedelseåtgärder. With regard to the ongoing investigation we cannot provide further details about what kind of preparation it can be, when made or when they are detected, write the same borders Øst in an e-mail to NRK.
from Anne-Elisabeth Falkevik Hagen was was at 09.14 on 31 October, where she spoke on the telephone with a member of the family. When her husband, Tom Hagen, at 13.30 pm to the home in the Fjellhammar outside Oslo, he contacted the police a half hour later when he found a threatening letter written in bad Norwegian.
Read more: Norwegian miljardärs wife missing
The suspected kidnappers demanded a nine million – approximately 92 million Swedish kronor – in kryptovalutan up, but another requirement was that the police would not be mixed into why it took until the 9 January, before the police are called to the press conference on the matter. Since then, a couple of thousand tips had been received, but the criticism has been directed toward the long secrecy that may have suspended or deleted the witnesses ‘ observations.
Read more: Kidnappers demanding ransom in kryptovaluta
signs of the disappearance have been devised is that of an anonymous up-the account was opened shortly after Today’s Næringsliv published an article about the offentlighetsskygge Tom Hagens unknown riches. A couple of hours before the disappearance could also be observed two men apparently scout outside elkoncernen Power founder and majority shareholder Tom Hagens workplace.
Read more: New contact Hagens captors
Dagens Næringsliv has provided detailed information about who clicked on the article in question on the day of publication, but by all accounts, this has not led to any significant breakthrough. The lack of communication between the perpetrators and the family has been through a platform that does not permit dialogue, even when the perpetrators on the family’s wishes in the beginning of February changed its platform to something better.