The representation of women in parliaments could be significantly better. In the Berlin house of deputies, only 53 of 160 deputies are women, with 33.1 percent, not even every third.

red-Red-Green is the participation of women in political will to increase education in parliaments, Offices, and bodies. All of Berlin’s political parties should be obliged, for the elections to the house of representatives as many women as men, and wants the introduction of a Parité law. The Left has developed as a first group on a draft law Amending the country’s electoral law, submitted to the daily mirror.

According to the proposal of the Left to any party which comes up for election to draw up their lists of gender-quoted. A male applicant must be a female candidate and Vice versa. Quoted lists already have the Greens, the Left and the SPD.

coalition wants to be in the current hour on the Parité law debate

the constituency candidates who are elected by the first vote. To ensure that the direct candidates will also be chosen quoted, suggests the party is to halve the previous 78 constituencies. In each of the 39 constituencies in a man and a woman elected. The voters would then vote in two of the constituency, and could choose their elected representatives.

However, you need to choose according to the Parité law, a man and a woman Would be elected to two women or two men, would be the ballot invalid. In the draft law is that candidate, according to people law, allow any gender to assign, at the proposal as a “divers” marked.

a bit more Complicated assemblies in the election of the District Council. How the parity law is to be applied, to be discussed in the coalition.

At 7. In March, the house of representatives is in session, a day before women’s day, which is this year for the first time, in Berlin, a public holiday. In the plenary, the coalition wants to have a debate in the Current hour, among other things, the Parité law.

in March 2018 had spoken of the SPD, Left and Green in a Resolution calling for the “equal participation of women in political decision-making in parliaments, Offices, and committees,” and announced, to consider the introduction of a Parité law. However, Brandenburg was faster. There, the Parliament decided at the end of January such a law with the votes of red-Red, supported by the opposition Greens.

More about

model of Brandenburg Parité law: the Berlin coalition under pressure

Ulrich Zawatka-Gerlach

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