“Rebekah klädpanik – the wrong clothes to get her to sing hard”
“Change your clothes in the Eurovision song contest – again”
“NYKÖPING. Klädpaniken got Rebecka Karlsson, 18, to sing false. “
“Now changing her stage clothes yet again.”
“– In the town of Leksand, I pulled the skirt all the time and sang hard instead, ” she says. “
“Rebecka Karlsson changed his clothes after the first dress rehearsal ahead of the Eurovision song contest. Then she switched again. “
“In Leksand smoke the white jacket with lace detail for the benefit of a black dress under the ropes. Then went on a white dress to attend the live broadcast. “
“Before the duel in the Second chance has Rebecka Karlsson thought about completely and wearing a black trouser suit with glitterskärp. “
“Now tell the artist if klädpaniken who was close to destroying her vocal performance. “
“the Clothes affects everything.”
“– At rehearsal in Leksand, I had the white on me and then I pulled the skirt all the time. Then it became that I was singing hard instead. If you are not comfortable it becomes worse, ” she says.”
“the Clothes are influence throughout the show. “
“– When you shall stand there on Saturday, everything should be perfect and feel it’s not perfect, you can’t deliver a good performance. But now it feels good. “
“”the Song was not quite a hundred””
“Then the last round has Rebecka Karlsson focused on perfecting the song. “
“It was not quite a hundred, but I’ve been working so much with it,” she says.”
“She has also brought in two new dancers. An extra boxers and an extra dancer. “
“– It is to strengthen the kämpaglöden and the sense of freedom. “
“Rebecka Karlsson is competing with the song ”Who I am” in the Second chance on Saturday. She duels against the Heirs. “