today, fills his life with music, cultivating yoga and puttering with his newborn daughter in pure baby-idyll, but it is not long ago that the 34-year-old ‘X Factor’judge Lars famous and best-selling lives were marked by violence, crime and drugs. the

he tells This in a great interview in Alt for Damerne.

famous and best-selling are raised west of Copenhagen, more specifically, from Albertslund and Hundige. A real ‘vestegnsfyr’, which he himself classifies himself.

even Though the environment was hard, it was also a pleasant upbringing with ball game on the roads, but violence filled the lot to him in his teenage years.

– I have been up to fight 20 times before I turned 18, I have some friends who come to the wrong place with the substances, and the vast majority were involved in banditry, he tells to the magazine.

If you had asked some of the teachers had with the famous and best-selling to do in youth, they had probably not foreseen, how far he would have come.

Film, tv & radio – 15. feb. 2019 – at. 08:31 famous and best-selling close to tears, 15-year-old ‘X Factor’contestant takes all with the storm

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today is Lars famous and best-selling in a relationship with actor Lise Kofoed, as he has a daughter Leona of up to three months. Photo: Olivia Loftlund.

However, two factors were notable, that today he ended on the right side of the law with plenty of success. The one was his mother, the other the music.

– I had a friend who was very similar to myself, and so one may ask, why he ended up so wrong when we went the ad? We experimented with the same drugs and came to the same parties and did the same stupid thing. Two crucial factors were that I had something to go up in and a dream, that I wanted something with music. He had never, he says to All the Ladies.

But to follow the dream of music was not without consequences for the famous and best-selling. As he slowly began to get into the music business, he also had to break with its hinterland. The two worlds were incompatible.

– I had a lot of friends at a time, either the rocker-hangarounds or gang members, and there was plenty of violence, but I felt that it was them I heard. (..) In the beginning I tried to take a few rockerdrenge with an afterparty for Nik and Jay, but it was no good. I had to separate the two worlds, he says for the magazine.

today famous and best-selling only one friend back from the time in the environment.

Ekstra Bladet has tried to get a comment from Lars famous and best-selling, but it has not been possible.

The three ‘X Factor’-judges, famous and best-selling, Oh Land and Culture and host, Sofie Linde. Photo: Mogens Flindt