“Aborträtten must be defended in the new times”

“Medical advances create a dilemma”

“Aftonbladet’s leader board is the independent social democrat.”

“Aborträtten is one of the fantasy of women’s major victories. Women’s right to decide over their own body has been seen as a fundamental right ever since abortion became legal in Sweden in 1938. But today it is blowing again the reactionary winds and abortion has suddenly become a politically contentious issue.”

“The new in this category often have a nationalistic or religious basis. The signs of the times are many. On riksdagsnivå driver, The sweden democrats as the only party of the issue of lowering the limit for abortion from 18 weeks to 12 weeks. Another example is the smoke bomb that was thrown into the room where the magazine Ottar and RFSU held in a aborträttsfestival for a couple of years ago.”

“The christian midwife Ellinor Grimmark has also made freedom of conscience, that is to say, to refuse to perform abortion because of their religious beliefs, to a debated issue. Grimmark has, with the help of strong funding from an international anti-abortlobby pushed his thing all the way to the european Court of human rights.”

“Medical progress affect the law on abortion”

“today, women have the right to an abortion up to week 18, regardless of the reason. Between week 18 and week 22 requires a permit from the national Board of health. But the medical progress has been made in order to take care of extremely premature babies has created a conflict with the current law on abortion to say that a fetus does not get are being aborted if it can be considered to be viable.nGränsen of viability is moved continuously downwards thanks to the development. In the near future, it may not even be necessary with women’s wombs without the child in the place can be developed in an artificial womb.nnew times require new laws. And the Swedish law on abortion has become outdated and needs to be done. It mean the State’s medical-ethical advice in the report. ”

“Smer believes that the so-called livsduglighetsgränsen (week 22 today) in the law on abortion should be replaced with a fixed veckogräns that is not linked to the medical viability. It is a good suggestion.nEtt highlighted example highlighted the problem. It was the medical superintendent Catherine Beach Calkin told SVT that she on several occasions tried to save the life of the fetus as aborterats late.n– A fetus that ejected in week 22 is in the legal sense a child, and I meet an acutely sick child so I want to help it, she said to SVT News, 2017.nVad these women who believed that they have carried out an abortion, thought about the doctor’s prank and was not news.”

“Lowered abortgräns no solution”

“Already today, the proportion of late-aborted fetus is small compared to the total number of abortions in Sweden. The state’s medical-ethical advice, Direction, proposes a range of measures to reduce the number of abortions after week 18. nBland else, they believe that the mandatory ultraljuden in week 18-20 should be brought forward. In this way, birth defects, or diseases detected earlier and the parents have the opportunity to make a decision on a possible abortion in the peace and quiet.”

“To carry out an abortion is never easy, no matter what reasons a woman has. It can be a difficult illness, mental health, too low or high age, or a difficult life situation which makes it impossible to take care of a child. But neither the woman or the child is helped by that the right to legal abortion is being challenged.”