Now, the Airport CEO Engelbert Lütke Daldrup, so far, kept secret Tegel-report is eventually made public. In the BER inquiry Committee of the Berlin house of representatives CDU and the FDP had failed – Opposition first of all with your request for Evidence on the Veto of the red-red-green coalition, the controversial paper as a material proof of the airport company, Berlin, Brandenburg and the Federal government (FDP) request.

But that needs to be done now probably, after the Scientific service of Parliament of the house of representatives in a current, day-to-day mirror this opinions from the 22.February 2019 to the clear conclusion: “The members of the factions of the CDU and the FDP provided evidence amendment no 25 is formally and materially legal.” The topic of the mooring process “in the framework of the investigation order.”

What is the for a Tegel-expert opinion, this is because so far in the tank Cabinet of the airport company? Known of its existence. Granted by the Senate in response to small requests.

it is also Known that the auditing firm Pricewaterhouse Coopers AG had studied for 2016 on behalf of the former airport bosses Karsten mill field, if and how profitable a “long-term continuation of the business would be management of the airport Tegel.” Mill field was reached, as his predecessor, Hartmut Mehdorn at the point, due to the foreseeable capacity bottlenecks at BER a further operation from Tegel to explore.

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Lütke Daldrup was PWC opinion in the sinking

But that was immediately conclude, as in the spring of 2017, the Berlin BER state Secretary Engelbert Lütke Daldrup, the Executive chair, took over. The let the in a preliminary version of this PWC report on the viability of an open attitude of accomodation with the comfort immediately in the grave. This corresponded, it was the time of the Tegel-discussions of popular petitions and referendums, the interest of the Senate.

Officially, the Senate has explained in the answer to a minor Interpellation in the house of representatives in 2018: “between the results of the FBB were presented in part. The engagement of PWC was terminated prior to completion of a final version.“ This happened after the Senate’s answer to a time when not even all the members of the PWC results had knowledge of it. And it became known also that, according to the calculations of PWC both a further operation from Tegel with a current capacity of approximately 20 million passengers per year, with eleven million passengers per year would be profitable. But how profitable, what has been calculated by PWC, exactly, all of this is not yet known.

The history of the airport Tegel in images more pictures do not display 1 of 8002.02.2017 09:45Sieht you all the days, from this perspective: from the airport Berlin-Tegel. On the right, the Terminal with the two slopes…previous Next

it is established that both the Airport CEO Engelbert Lütke Daldrup, as well as the Senate in the subsequent period, operated always with other Numbers of other reviewers, according to which alone the redevelopment of Tegel a billion euros would be the cost of a parallel operation of Tegel and BER for the FBB because of the high costs – was cited as an example the fire Department deficit would be.

these contradictions to clarify, is pounding the Opposition in the BER inquiry Committee on the PWC report and is in accordance with the vote of the Scientific service in this claim confirmed. “The coalition factions try by all means to impede the investigation Committee, says a lot, as it runs in Berlin, air transport,” said the CDU-Obmann Christian Gräff. “We will examine the opinion of both the cost-effectiveness of Tegel, as well as on the capacity of the airports as a whole”.

read more about airport TXL in the daily mirror

traffic at the Limit and the BER is still full. New chamber of Commerce study: passengers to travel frequently with the Public, the BER of staff in the car. In 2017, has warned of a bottleneck.

Old, dilapidated, crowded, but to practically close: Lufthansa wants a debate. The reactions are different.

– Tegel-open stance: A question of political will. Can Tegel to stay longer than half a year after the BER opening into operation? A new opinion is that it would be. But there are hurdles.

Already at the airport TXL there was Trouble at the opening. In 2012, wanted to celebrate the 40,000 people in the airport, BER. It turned out differently. And how once in TXL? A somewhat curious view into the archive.

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study for airport transport to the Limit, and the BER is still full of

André Görke