small gardens? The Tempelhofer Feld? In view of the ever-present shortage of housing policy and housing sector are on the lookout for land. The Senate had recently decided to build after the expiry of the term of protection for small gardens on public land in 2030, around 7000 apartments on 26 small garden colonies.

But now Iris Spranger, housing policy spokesperson of the SPD parliamentary group to oppose these plans and supports the construction of new apartments on the Tempelhofer field. In an interview with the daily mirror she explained: “before we small gardens for apartments to victims, and cultivate, we should cultivate rather the Tempelhofer field on the edge.” You think small gardens “is absolutely worth protecting,” said Spranger and predicted: “We need to get back into the discussion about the edge of the development of the Tempelhofer field. This is again back in the focus, probably, but only after 2021.“

In the economy, the push for a social Democrat, was taken to be positive. “The growing city is in need of affordable new construction. The only affordable land. This is an absolute shortage in Berlin,“ said Maren Kern, Head of the Verband Berlin-Brandenburgischer Wohnungsunternehmen (BBU). “Therefore, it is very good that now the discussion of the development of the edges of the Tempelhofer field. The faster and more concrete, the better it is for the Berlin tenants.“

chamber of Commerce and industry urges Action

Also, Jan Eder, the managing Director of the chamber of Commerce and industry (CCI), called for a rapid development of the area. “Either we have a housing problem, or we don’t have them, in plain text: The topic should not be back until 2021 in the focus, but now,” he said to the daily mirror. “The demand for new apartments and commercial space, finally, is acute. The luxury of not even thinking about how an area the size of Monaco for the much-needed housing can be put to use, we can’t afford it simply.“

The construction of housing on the former airport site to the language of the Green had brought to the district councillor Florian Schmidt from the district of Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg. On the occasion of the presentation of the housing market reports on Wednesday, Schmidt suggested that the activation of the “surface resources on the Tempelhofer field”. He said, to regret the outcome of the referendum of 2014, as a majority of the participants against the building of the former airport site had voted, a lot. In addition, Schmidt proposed that each of the second apartment should be managed for the common good-oriented. Just like Spranger Schmidt also proposed to allow the construction of apartments on the Tempelhofer field, by apartment companies in the country to implement.

support Schmidt, his Party colleague, the economic Senator of Ramona Pop: “The proposal from Florian Schmidt is an interesting advance,” said Pop to the daily mirror. The Greens had “shown a few years ago,” open for a reasonable, affordable edge of the building on the Tempelhofer page. “An ecological model district could count,” said Pop.

the CDU calls for a second vote

While the SPD and the greens could with a perimeter of the Tempelhofer field, make friends, rejects Left this idea completely. “That’s spilled milk,” said Left party leader Udo Wolf the daily mirror. At the beginning of the discussion before the referendum, the Left open, over a moderate edge development thinking and to seek a compromise with the Initiative. The have rejected the red-black Senate at the time. After the successful referendum against a development, there is “the people’s law,” said Wolf. Tilt “a people’s legislation, will not come with us out of the question.”

Tempelhofer field – impressions more pictures of view 1 of 71Foto: Thilo Rückeis15.10.2018 09:13Schafe on the Tempelhofer field, almost like an image from a past time. At 14.10. 2008 the shepherd master Knut brought Back…and More

For the CDU Baupolitiker Christian Gräff said. “We are, in principle, to build on the Tempelhofer field, and can imagine that very well, but Berlin would have to be questioned again on the subject.” In fact, the CDU had a group in your 2018 dam lossenem master plan for Housing development and the Tempelhofer feld as “one of the most important intra-urban potential areas for the discharge of the housing market” referred to.

it says: “We think it is, in principle, five years after the referendum on the future of the temple to decide Hofer field, here under strict conditions and much-needed housing.”

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shortage of housing in Berlin built for the Poorest

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