– Last, I moved on a residence, and it was there that I got the abuse for the first time.

– I lived there in 3-5 months, and then I moved home to my parents, where I subsequently stopped my abuse, and only smoke a rare once in a while, when I was still in time to cut down.

– I was – in just 3 months with my parents – come so far, that I was not especially dependent on it anymore, and there was a light at the end of the tunnel.

– I had a cannon compared to my parents, as I had not in the past, but I had really scored. It was almost like a real family.

so begins XXXX, who is 15 years old, a letter to the nation! on the facts the system offers young people in care people. It is not the first time the nation! can bring a letter with the message, and of the 2531 readers who responded to the question about marijuana-all in the group, most can confirm that the hash and habitats belong together.

If you have a good advice for what she and the family can do, you may like to write it in the comments section below. They are desperate. You may also want to share this on Facebook. The girl – who just now escaped and live under the ground at an unknown address – continues its history of such here.

– Children’s & Young people committee took a decision 6 days before I was 15, on the basis of the things I had done back then I lived at the place of residence, where I was completely out and fucking.

– They did not take my improvement with, or that I had changed me completely when I moved home, and had actually got a good and pretty normal life.

– Their decision was in the first game of a secured institution, ONLY because I smoke cannabis, solely therefore!

– It sounds completely unrealistic, and you would not believe it was true, but it is unfortunately.

– the woman who owns it residence, I am enrolled in now, came in and persuaded them to give me a chance at her residence (Not secured or something).

– I moved there in may and already 1. today I sat and snorted panodilpiller with 2 of the girls.

– Not that it had any effect, but it’s the principle I’m talking about.

– At the time I moved in, there were 2 girls who did not smoke hashish, and the other 4 girls smoke marijuana. And they had also all been in the harder drugs.

– I began to smoke more and more marijuana, which ended up in the biggest abuse I’ve ever been in.

– I’ve talked with the other girls, and they all have the same feeling as me.

– They do not NEED to smoke marijuana when they are with their families, that they have it good.

– I think it’s important to focus on how much your family can do for one, simply by being present.

– At the place of stay, smoking we hash up to 4-10 times daily. – My friend and I talked to in the 3 months I’ve been there, we have smoked over 100 joints only the two of us.

– And then you remember that plusse the other joints, which I also have smoked with 3 other girls, and alone. There are smoking it up quickly on a 200-300 joints.

– I know that I can get out of my abuse, but I also know that it can’t happen at some places.

– ALL opholdsteder is filled up with marijuana and the substances, even the insured institutions.

– I know even people on the insured institutions, which easily can obtain the hash, or substances, even though they are locked up.

– How they do it, I will not comment on;)

– the Educators and the local authorities that send us to the different places of residence, they also know it well, but they will not do anything about it.

– Their solution is a pistest every 14 days, and is the positive we are being threatened that we cannot see our family, or that we should be closed out in a cottage in the middle of nowhere until we clean-up, which of course is not a humane way to treat people with an addiction.

– We must have help, not locked up.

– I came earlier in the year in a cottage at the pga. I had escaped into town with the girls, but they were not in the cottage. They treat us not as people, I feel.

– another example is: the Teachers came and searched my room, and they found 0.1 grams of skunk in my friend’s pillow. She had slept in my room in over a week, and so they wrote in a report that they had found a joint on me.

– Also, looked like my room a bombed outhouse behind, and if they would clean up the mess? No!

– It was not the only thing that happened that day, for when they found more, came the police and they bombed also my room after I had just cleaned up.

They found nothing, so they should rensage ME instead.

– There were two male cops in my door, and a female educator from the place of residence, and so the said one of the ushers ‘If she is not allowed to do it, then we do it, and if you do not cooperate, then it becomes not fun.’

– It must be said that it should be nude.

– Since I didn’t know that I had the right to get a female cop out, I allowed it, which I regret, and it has left a great scar on my soul.

I feel in a way exploited, stupid, and cheated.

– Also, have the teachers at my place are not allowed to rensage me naked, but she did it anyway.

– since then it has just gone from hell to. I lost all respect, and desire to cooperate.

– There was also at that time 3 weeks ago.

– I had to ankestyrelsen 3 days after, and on the way back from ankestyrelsen said my kontaktpædag ‘We should just pick one of my friends up, there is something wrong with his car.’

His friend then got into the car, and it turned out to be another educator, and when I asked what was wrong with his car he said: ‘Nothing, you just a walk in the cottage.’

Earlier in the day had one of the teachers enddag called me and asked when we were back.

They took me hard in the ass, and I’ve been pissed ever since. Especially because my contact was the only one I trusted and could open me, but yet he lied to me and left the biggest disappointment.

– Right now I have been stung in about two weeks, where they could not find me. They will have me on a secured institution. In other words, a prison.

the Municipality’s justification is that it is because I have a marijuana abuse.

– I have not done anything criminal, in addition to possess marijuana, but they have never found me.

– There is a new meeting in the Children & Youth committee d. 26, and I was raining heavily with no to meeting up, since I know that the chance of winning are not very big…

– Yes it was the one I had.

– 10-15 lines is not enough to describe how terrible it is, ends XXXXX (the nation! know her name).

the nation! have previously received this email from a mother of a 15-year-old boy, who had also been tvangsanbragt on a dwelling place. She also sent photo from the son’s room – and wrote of his stay as follows:

I attended, as I usually do, in kontrolmødet together with the head of a department and an educator from the Farm).

My son be weighed, measured mm, why we while step out of the room.

While we are waiting, I ask to the increased dose Truxal my son is starting to get, after the placement, as it worries me.

the educator responds: ‘ to my son only gets the extra Truxal, when he has no more marijuana to smoke.

I wonder, appalled, if he smoke marijuana in her home, and why they are not trying to prevent it???

I say, that it is dung dangerous for a young person with a psychosis to smoke cannabis, and express my wonder and concern that one does not work to shield my son from the Hash-smoking.

The corresponding unanimously, that the man on the farm) is of the opinion that: ‘it’s better to let my son smoke marijuana than to put hard against hard.

My son says after I talk with him about the smoking of marijuana on the ground that he smokes hash as well as every day, and that he has gotten to know, ‘it’s ok, as long as he is not smoking, while others see’ .

Therefore, he goes outside and like the in the area small forest, when he needs to smoke marijuana.