Last week, has agreed to the Bundestag for the Reform of section 219a of the ban on advertising for abortion. The left party, the greens and the FDP want to leave the law. You consider a lawsuit before the Federal constitutional court.

on the day of the vote in the Bundestag about the reformed Criminal law sections 219a to the left party, the greens and the FDP had made it clear that they will not support the compromise. In this Form, the law for the so-called ban on advertising abortions “botch” scolded FDP parliamentary group Deputy Stephan Thomae.

Now the three parties are Serious: the FDP, the left party and the greens want to bring an action before the Federal constitutional court against a clause 219a. In coordination with the other two fractions, a report should be created and a process representative be found, said Thomae the Newspapers of the editorial network in Germany. “It would be nice if we could forge the iron in March.” However, the final decision on the content of the report depends. “We want to go with some prospects of success.”

the Necessary majority of deputies

For a standard of control achieved in an action before the Federal constitutional court must agree to 25 percent of the Bundestag members. Together, the three groups will reach this Quorum. As a reviewer of Giessen legal scholar Arthur Kreuzer is in the conversation. “I think that the action is promising,” said cruiser the RND-Newspapers. “The law seems to me to be constitutionally untenable.”