Halle The paassoldaten of Lembeek must have a solid file in their Sint-Veroonmars on the prestigious Flemish Inventory of Intangible Cultural Heritage. The recognition would be a boost for the last soldatenommegang of Flanders faces many challenges. “We want the unique character of our mars stress but also the future to ensure the procession,” says Lembekenaar Dirk Vandenplas.
There is in the area no patron saint of a village that was so well-known as Sint-Veroon. For centuries, if his reliquary paraded on Easter Monday during the Saint-Veroonmars. More than five hundred Paassoldaten, including more than a hundred horsemen, also on path. According to the tradition to ‘cash of sintche fruun’ protect. Today is the procession of the last soldatenommegang of Flanders, and so find the paassoldaten it is high time that the Sint-Veroonmars to get the recognition they deserve. A place on the Flemish Inventory of Intangible Cultural Heritage is the goal. In the meantime, signed by three thousand people a petition and was a dossier compiled. The dome of the groups that participate in the mars united in a working group where Dirk Vandenplas chairman. “The Saint-Veroonmars is something unique,” says Dirk. “It’s in the DNA of the Lembekenaar. It is part of our history and is to this day today still the social cement in our village. Take the Sint-Veroonmars way and there is nothing more what we have together.”
for Two years, together with the Erfgoedcel Pajottenland & senne Valley have worked hard to get in april then finally the request is officially in. The paassoldaten believe in: their march is now available at more than fifty other events, and use on the list. But in the meantime, there have already thought about the future. During a infomoment Wednesday evening told the members of the working group on the challenges that are out there. “We pay a lot of attention to our uniforms,” says commander Roger Hannon of the Royal Etat-Major. “We want this to be as authentic as possible and so foam one of our members, all military trade shows off to get those pieces to find that we need. That man is there almost daily working on it. One costume can quickly get 3,000 euros in costs. We have very little income and organize activities to to with Easter.”