Michele Murphy-Kaulanen told the special of the night on social media.Sampo and Mint Kaulanen evening newspaper interview in the spring of 2018.

on a recent Facebook release, when she had been to the hospital so the pain attack. An ambulance her daughter. In particular staff helpfulness of get women compliments. Other patients ‘ behaviour is not.

What I’m amazed they had the patients infinitely bad manners. There the veil between the were given their own diagnoses and cried was the doctor or nurse when the test results do not tukeneetkaan own home doctor diagnosis. Yes that nursing is my vocation and I would hope the medical staff more appreciation, Murphy-Kaulanen write Facebook.

Murphy-Kaulanen to thank profusely the medical personnel of their own care.

I’m sure kivahtaisin unfair or bad treatment, but I want to give a personal thanks to the Whole staff who Acutassa me care. And, of course, will continue, Murphy-Kaulanen thank.

Murphy-Kaulanen according to expenditure was at night between well-paced. Medical staff, however, treatment work smoothly.

Last night was such a novice for as expenditure in the wild west, but to them everyday life, Murphy-Kaulanen recalls in her text.

the Publication has received in the popular merchant of mrs. page, already more than a thousand likes and over a hundred comments. Many tell us in the comments field similar experiences.

Michele’s “Mint” Murphy-Kaulanen is a well-known Finnish entrepreneur and television personalities. Murphy-Kaulanen’s married Sampo Kaulanen. Pete Anikari