for Months, the files piled up with the results of the investigation of the police on the Desk of Israel’s attorney-General Avichai Mandelblit. For months it was speculated, as the would decide. A few weeks before the parliamentary elections and is now The attorney General wants to raise against the head of government Benjamin Netanyahu, in three cases, prosecution. Mandelblit, once of Netanyahu to the Cabinet Secretary to be appointed, informed the lawyers of the Prime Minister on Thursday evening about his plans. Previously, Netanyahu must be, however, yet to be a member and, in the meantime, could months pass. However, The step would be in the history of Israel is unique. It has never been levied against a sitting Prime charge.

In one of the three cases, in the so-called case of 4000, will Mandelblit claims for bribery, fraud and breach of trust: Netanyahu should have given as Minister of communications, the telecommunications company Bezeq legal benefits. In return, the owner Shaul Elovitch will have ensured that its Online news service “Walla” positive about Netanyahu’s reported. Also Elovitch and his wife to be accused.

In the other two cases it comes to cheating and infidelity: In the case of 1000, Netanyahu is alleged to have expensive gifts, such as champagne and cigars, of rich patrons accepted, including from Hollywood producer Arnon Milchan. In return, the Premier was to give them political advantages. In the fall of 2000, Netanyahu should have with the publisher of the daily newspaper “Yediot Achronot”, Arnon Moses, in a Deal negotiated: If “Yediot” – friendly over Netanyahu reports, wool you the greatest competitors to hold the Free sheet “Israel Hayom”, from the body. Mandelblit also wants to accuse Moses.

Israel’s attorney-General Avichai Mandelblit wants to bring the Premier to court.Photo: Jack Guez/AFP

Three years investigations took, 800 pages of Material have worn the investigator according to media reports, and 140 witnesses interviewed – three of them were leniency in the course of the investigations.

Netanyahu himself denies so far any wrongdoing and has already announced on several occasions that, in the event of a charge back. As so often, he came instead on Thursday in time for the evening news in front of the cameras, spoke of “vile accusations” and a “witch hunt” and gave his political opponents the blame: “the pressure of The Left was successful. Something terrible happened here, and it’s hurt Israeli democracy.“ It is only a question, to overthrow the right wing and to help the Left to the top, so Netanyahu. He would refute all the allegations.

Netanyahu’s political rival Gantz calls for the resignation of the Prime Minister

For Netanyahu, it is now to fight for political Survival: after all, his Likud has white party, the new Alliance of “Blue” before Mandelblits notice a dangerous opponent: The Alliance, founded by Ex-General Benny Gantz, and Yair Lapid, could be according to the polls, in the elections, even the strongest force. Also Gantz met on Thursday evening in front of the press and called on Netanyahu to resign. The country would need no mid-term Prime Minister who is busy with his legal defense. A coalition with Netanyahu, he will not go. Back cover the Premier got, however, by numerous coalition partners. Even Avigdor Lieberman, head of the party Israel Our home, which was recently bailed out by the government, took Netanyahu: In Israel, only a court decide whether someone is guilty or not.

More about

Israel’s attorney-General Mandelblit, The man who could topple Netanyahu

Lissy Kaufmann

Out of fear, Mandelblits announcement before the election could be the Premier cost them votes, had Netanyahu’s lawyers tried in advance to reschedule. At the last second, also Netanyahu’s Likud party filed a Petition at the Supreme court, in order to prevent the announcement – in vain.