Animals The Russian authorities have the release ordered of almost a hundred cetaceans from a “walvisgevangenis”.

Images of the animals in Nachodka, in the Russian Far East, went into hiding last year and caused a lot of commotion. On the images, after all, was good to see how the whales in cramped shelters to be held. It goes according to the Kremlin to eleven orcas and 87 white dolphins, message, news agency Tass.

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The purpose of the secret ‘supermarket’? The animals for much money to sell, for example, to aquariums and wealthy Chinese buyers. A shadowy miljoenenbusiness, while the capture of orcas on the spot, however, strictly regulated and allowed only for ” educational and scientific purposes’. In fact, according to Novaya Gazeta between 2013 and 2016, all of 13 orcas sold to China, for entertainment in water parks. The issue led to international criticism.


As published actress Pamela Anderson an open letter in which she, Russian president Vladimir Putin asked for help. Actor Leonardo DiCaprio shared on social media a petition, which called free the animals. Greenpeace described the conditions in which the animals are gevangengehouden as a “torture”. The Russian authorities started an investigation, but since it was pretty quiet. Last week let the Kremlin know that Putin himself personally with the case did not involve.


And now demands the authorities so the release of the animals. The Russian security service FSB has also stated that four companies concerned may be criminally prosecuted for violating the fisheries legislation. According to the Russian minister of Ecology, it is now particularly important that the marine mammals are properly released.