Where to live in Berlin to be calm and healthy, with little noise and clear air? And where not? To these questions, the Senate has now released a new environmental Atlas. He will serve as the data basis for this is to note the factor of “environmental justice” in future planning of the city. Simple example: Three roads need to be renewed, but the budget is only money, for once, silent Asphalt – then the exporting district could look by means of the environmental Atlas, which of the three roads has most of the low-noise asphalt is needed, namely, the one with the highest noise exposure. So the living quarters can be relieved. The environmental management introduces the report and a 41 page booklet on this Thursday; they are available on the Internet.
The study is based on a huge amount of data, which, however, was in large part already available. There are four environmental factors were identified as core indicators, their relevance is demonstrated for the health of scientific: air, noise and thermal stress, as stress factors and the green space supply as a resource, thus relieving factor. As the fifth core indicator of the social problems is considered a density in the Neighbourhoods.
vote in the measurements of the time today?
However, not all data are out of date. For example, have been adopted for the fifth indicator is the data from Social urban development Monitoring 2013. The data for the noise are derived from the Strategic noise map of 2012. And the data to the heat stress (thermal stress) are from the urban development plan climate of 2011. The data were collected at the same time, is no matter, said a spokeswoman for the environmental management on demand, as if it were a scientifically developed, “very robust” model. It is questionable whether the measurements of the time votes today.
in A statement, the results from the report, is: Where the vulnerable live, the environmental impact is greater. Where the social issue density is high, the focus of environmental and health problems. Especially Reinickendorf is plagued – that’s where most of the people that are the same charged to five times the life, so all five of the factors.
But had to remain in the analysis of the much ignored because no data is available: How long-lived a person prior to his death, in the planning room? And he lived there at the heavily-used main road or in a back house on a side street? “In order to know whether the mortality rate goes back to life style or environmental factors, further investigation is necessary”, – said in the report. Say: Maybe he has lived simply unhealthy.
daily mirror people
order good news hidden in the report but also In the Berlin average, the load is predominantly low. The highest levels of multiple pressures in the district center. Generally, it lives within the S-Bahn ring is more stressful than outside. Berlin in green areas outside the centre have the highest recovery and the lowest stress.
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Reinhart Bünger
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