Netflix’s Reality series “Last Chance U” is accompanied by an American College-football teams that aim to provide young people with a difficult past, a second Chance. In the third season, the Independence Community College (ICC) has Kansas in the lead role. One of the Stars of the first six episodes of head coach Jason Brown. In the series, he is the tough Coach. Now, Brown delivered a solid discrimination scandal that should cost him the Job and confirmed his Image.
a few days Ago sheet “Montgomery County Chronicle appeared in the local week” in Kansas is an article that provides worldwide headlines. The content of the article: German Student Alexandros Alexiou, player of the ICC Football team, was discriminated against by Coach Brown, and offended. Apparently, the German found previously in the case of the University responsible for not hearing, and was therefore forced to publish the chat history with his Coach.
The chat history between Alexandros Alexiou and his Coach Jason Brown. (Source: Facebook)
And the chat history it has him. Coach Brown referred to his players as “you German f***it” and writes to him that he was now Alexious “new Hitler”. In the previous news, there seems to be a lack of discipline of the player. Coach Brown seems to lead to a penalty points register. He threatens with the team to the exclusion and loss of the “f***ing” scholarship.
resignation without remorse
Now, Coach Brown was left nothing else than to announce his resignation. However, no sign of remorse or even an apology. He lists the 20 achievements, from his three and a half years as Coach of the University of. Brown sees himself as a victim. According to the publications of the “Montgomery County Chronicle” was a successful Work for him simply not possible.