On the Brazilian island of Marajó, in the North of Brazil, was discovered last Friday, a dead humpback whale in a mangrove forest. The calf had already died a few days ago. Biologists suspect that it was already dead in the Amazon and then by the flood was washed ashore. It is unusual that the whale was at this time of year so far North. the Johanna Kuroczik
usually in the southern hemisphere, living humpback whales this time of year in the cool ocean off the Antarctic. An eight-metre-long Hatchling was, however, enigmatic astray. Thousands of kilometres further to the North, it was discovered last Friday in the jungle on an island in the Amazon. Between the mangrove trees on the island of Marajó, in the North of Brazil, about a year old calf was, 15 meters from the river Bank. Around ten tonnes, weighed the animal, it had already died a few days ago.
On the carcasses of the circling vultures were biologists in the species conservation project, Bicho d’água on the remote site carefully. Renata Emin is part of the project and an expert on marine mammals at the natural history Museum Emílio Goeldi, in belém. She suspects, according to press reports, the whale had already been dead arrives in the Amazon estuary by the tide in the mangrove forest flushed. “The question is: What is a humpback whale in February makes the North coast of Brazil? This is unusual,” said Emin of the Brazilian News Website “G1”.
“In this age to separate the young animals from the group”
tens of thousands of the up to 15-Meter-long marine mammals, wintering off the Brazilian Northern coast, to give birth to their young. However, they prefer for the summer months in the southern hemisphere from approximately December to February is – in Antarctica. The global inventory is estimated by the Union for Conservation of nature, to 84 000 animals. Up to 1988 they were considered, according to the Red list as endangered, now has recovered to the Population.
humpback whales live in all oceans of the world, they have even been discovered in the Baltic sea. In June 2018, a humpback whale was recovered female dead off the coast of Graal-Müritz in the district of Rostock. Probably also about a year old animal in the Baltic sea in search of food. Also the humpback whale in the Amazon was apparently traveling alone. “In this age, the young animals of the group separate. It can happen that you get lost,” said Heike Zidowitz, expert for the protection of species by the WWF.
humpback whales for their whale songs is known. According to a study from the year 2016, the animals are altruistic are predisposed; they protect their own calves, but also other marine life from attacks by predators such as Orcas. What killed in Northern Brazil discovered the whale should now show the analysis of tissue samples.