Iranian foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarife, probably the person in the iranian ledargarnityret which has attracted the greatest confidence in the west, announced late on Monday-surprisingly – via Instagram – that he departs. He gave no explanations.
Late on Tuesday afternoon announced Iran’s president Hassan Rouhani in the same social medium that he does not accept Zarifs resignation, reports Reuters
when kärnenergiavtalet JCPOA between several world powers and Iran were gouged out and entered into force in 2015. In may of last year decided the united states to jump of the contract with reference to that it was not enough strictly against Tehran. The defection means that the u.s. sanctions are resumed.
the Rest of the parties to the agreement, among others, the EU, trying to maintain the agreement, despite the fact that european companies could be penalized by the US if they trade with Iran. For that it should be possible also to the relatively moderate iranian regime under president Hassan Rouhani abide by the agreement. There are plenty of critics at home challenging the Rouhani on the matter.
of the various news media shall Zarife have made their decision since the Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad on Monday traveled to Tehran and Zarife were not informed about the visit. The minister should not have been seen on a few photos from the occasion.
The iranian news site Entekhab was able to reach Zarife with a written question on why he resigned. ”After the photos from the day’s meetings has not the minister of foreign affairs Javad Zarife longer any credibility in the world,” said Zarife without developing further.
Mohammad Javad Zarife departure is an obvious setback for Rouhanis pragmatic government and a success for the country’s political hawks. His important role in the kärnenergisamtalen with the outside world has given him enemies among hard-line islamists in the iranian theocratic state apparatus.
A former commander in the revolutionary guards, Hassan Abbasi, said in a speech in the city of Karaj earlier in February that the iranian people ”spit on” Zarife and all the other politicians and officials who support the kärnavtalet with the outside world, writes Reuters.
”Close the door behind you, yankee. Go and never come back”, writes the conservative political commentator, Zahra Tabakhi if Zarife, according to the Wall Street Journal.
very good relations with the former us secretary of state John Kerry. Kerry has not yet commented on the Zarifs departure. His successor, Mike Pompeo writes, however, are on Twitter to Zarife, and Rouhani ”just frontfigurer in a corrupt religious mafia”. ”Our policy is unchanged.”
The Washingtonbaserade iranian-american organization, Niac, whose head Trita Parsi has been a strong supporter of the kärnenergiavtalet, writes in a comment that the Zarifs departure reflects a hardening of political attitude in Iran after the united states dropped out of the agreement.
But it was always unclear whether president Rouhani would accept the dismissal, and on Tuesday came the head of vengeance: he did not go to Zarife less. It remains to be seen if Zarife, in turn, defies this negative. If the minister withdraws his resignation, he can probably return with strengthening the legitimacy and power to make decisions, think Niac.
To lose the US-trained Zarife means for Rouhani to lose all opportunities for diplomatic dialogue with Washington at least the next two years, writes the organisation. With the hawks who governs in Tehran, it would be easier for US to justify the harsh penalties and, ultimately, the threat of military intervention, according to the Niac: ”Then perhaps Trump and his team get exactly what they want.”
Read more: Iran’s foreign minister resigned – was behind the kärnavtal