It is two weeks since Finn Steensen Ørsdahl was found dead in his burned down home on Færgevej 4 in h. miller. He was murdered in cold blood by a perpetrator who subsequently set fire to the house – probably to erase traces.
the Police publish now a picture of Finn Steensen Ørsdahls dark green Range Rover, year 1998, on the papegøjeplader with registration number AZ81576, which stands back on his reason. the
They hope that the photo will get the public to contact police if they have seen the now-killed the run on the line between Dagenham and h. miller or has seen the car parked in Dagenham Wednesday 13. February, between the hours of 12.30 and 16.00.
as late as yesterday, the police further details about the case. Among other things, told efterforskningslederen, that the killing was carried out brutally and coolly, and that they had narrowed the time of the offence to 13. February between the hours of 16 and approximately at midnight. However, he was first found the day after, when the fire was discovered.
– Since our announcement yesterday, we have received several new inquiries from citizens who believe they have information in the case. We are very happy. At this time we will not say anything about what this information is going on, or how many we have scored, and we continue to encourage witnesses to come forward – also if you have knowledge about the case or a concrete suspicion of a perpetrator, says vicepolitiinspektør Bjørke Kierkegaard, who is the leader of the efterforskningsenheden in the Middle – and West zealand Police.
yesterday said efterforskningslederen that it is still uncertain as to why Finn Steensen Ørsdahl was going to die.
According to police, can rovmord be an option, but they will not put themselves firmly on the scene.
– the Motive for the killing is still undetermined, but we know that there have flourished many rumors in the local community that the killing had to be inside with the cash. Whether it is the rumors, that has been the fatal end of the year, it is to be seen, but it is one of the theories we are investigating, said efterforskningslederen yesterday.
the 112 – 26. feb. 2019 – at. 15:26 Finn was killed: – It is done coolly