Environment The proof that man is the cause for global warming is almost 100 percent conclusive. The hypothesis, which is still by climate sceptics as the American president Donald Trump is questioned, the “gold standard of statistical certainty” is reached: there is still a chance of one in a million that the warming is not man-caused.

97 percent of the scientists had already agreed that man is the cause of the increasing temperatures with rising sea levels, droughts, storms, heat waves and floods will result. Those who still held to the three percent to our responsibility to minimize it, is it for the effort.

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In a new study published in “Nature Climate Change” is that the proposition that human activity is the major negative climate change in the hand work in all of their datasets, the ‘5 sigma level has been reached. That is a statistical concept that is an enormously high probability event. That level of statistical certainty sufficient, for example, to the existence of the Higgsboson particle in 2012, to confirm, a discovery through the world with applause was welcomed and the scientists a Nobel prize in return.

In 2005 was the ‘5 sigma’level is already reached in two of the three large datasets, which consist of satellite data of the past forty years. The datasets are those that are typically used for climate research. In 2016, was also established in the third dataset, a dataset led by John Christy of the university of Alabama, a famous klimaatscepticus.

Benjamin Santer, the lead researcher and author of the article hopes that his paper now also the climate sceptics across the line and pull everyone into action. “It circulates in some circles, a narrative that the scientists do not know what the global warming causes. We know that,” says Santer. The researcher from the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California wants his work to increase the pressure to reduce CO2 emissions dramatically to limit. “The mankind can be this type of evidence cannot ignore”.

United Nations

In 2013 decided that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), an organization of the United Nations to the risks of climate change to evaluate, that it is 95 percent certain that human activity is the major cause of climate change since the 50s.

Peter Stott, a wetenschaper of the British met Office, worked on the conclusion of the IPCC. For him, they may the probability turn to 99 to 100 percent sure. “The alternative explanations that there are natural causes would be, are increasingly unlikely to become,” he said against Reuters. Over the past four years were the warmest years since the beginning of the measurements in the 19th century.

Nathan Bindoff, a climate scientist from the University of Tasmania, is somewhat more cautious. “99 to 100 per cent, I would not dare to say but there is no doubt that more and more scientific evidence turns up.”

a Majority of Americans convinced

62 percent of Americans believe in 2018 that the human being has a stake in climate change. That is considerably more than in 2013, when it was still just under a majority (47 percent). Donald Trump still must be convinced, evidenced by his intention of 2017 from the climate treaty of Paris, an international treaty signed by 197 countries to the global warming, to curb, inter alia by switching to green energy sources such as wind and solar energy.