Not least, it is remarkable that the ”Green book” won, considering how much criticism the movie received for its slapphänta way to portray racism as history, and that if two people of different ethnicity can be buddies as you have leveled out the centuries of oppression.

But even in the film’s cast are plenty of controversies that browse among. Director Peter Farrelly has in interviews admitted that he exposed himself and ”pulled out his penis” of the actor around 500 times during the recordings, i.e. in principle the same behaviour as did Louis CK’s persona non grata in the entertainment industry. An unexpected culmination of metoo-the movement, can seem.

And on a gala event where all of Hollywood had mobilized – both in the stories that were nominated and in the tacktalen held – against xenophobia and Trumpism so you can note that the person who won for best original screenplay, ”the Green books”, Nick Vallelonga, the most is known to have tweeted to Trump that he was right: muslims cheered when the World Trade Center collapsed after the terrorist attacks.

But Hollywood loves happy endings, and nothing smoothes over a dark history as a happy end.