president of the united states Donald Trump has threatened to release 800 prisoners of the european ICE-terrorists if their home countries do not take them home. But the Swedish government says no.

– There are people who have travelled to this war zone against the foreign MINISTRY’s recommendations, against the strongest dissuasion at all give. Then you can’t in the next stage, expect consular assistance from the Swedish authorities. We have no plans to download them and participating in ICE activities in the region.

– Sweden looks like an international tribunal. It requires a strong international cooperation, and it is something we are pushing.

– We have a wide international cooperation and listening to experiences from other countries about what worked well and alerts from other countries, what has not worked. This is an important discussion that is happening in many european countries. There is also a discussion on how to best work with those who are in the country and those who have returned so that they are not radicalized, but that the secret Police are doing a good job to follow these people if there are security risks and that the municipalities and other authorities do everything that they are not radical.

” Yes, we are fully agreed. Children’s rights is hugely important. It is a complicated relationship for children in this region. However, it is clear that the Swedish authorities can operate in this war zone right now. It is not possible to make a determination of which children are Swedish citizens and how it looks on the site, not even if the Swedish authorities would like. But if children and families come to a Swedish diplomatic mission or embassy, it is cases they will take very seriously because perspective is important for Sweden.

– Then you get to see that many of these people traveled far before we took over as government, and then should, perhaps, previous governments have also considered that perspective. We have tightened up the legislation in the field of travel, finance, we give support to education and training, and on Thursday we take the next step to criminalize all involvement and participation in terrorist organisations.

the government on Thursday is expected to make a decision about a proposal, a draft law that the Council shall take a position on. To criminalise dealings with terrorist organisations was a part of the terroröverenskommelsen between the government and the Moderates, Centre party, Liberals and Christian democrats in 2017. When the minister of justice Morgan Johansson (S), received the inquiry at the end of 2017, he wanted to see a new team in place already before the elections in september. So, it was not.

– There are many countries that certainly would have wished that they had had a different law from the beginning, but we have tightened up the legislation in many rounds. On Thursday, we do a very extensive change, which involves not only terrorism or travel or finance, or education is criminalized, but all dealings and involvement with terrorist organisations will be criminalized. It will be of great importance also in the future. There are people in Sweden who keeps in touch with or get in contact with these organisations so it becomes criminalized.

– It is a grundlagsfråga. It is not possible to change without an election. This means that a change takes four, five years to complete, which is not the answer to the question in the here and now. It is important when we make an work to combat terrorism at the same time we are doing it in a way that maintains the rule of law. Otherwise, we have not succeeded in countering terrorism and that they want to threaten.

the Conservatives rättspolitiske spokesperson Johan Forssell welcome the next step but considers that it has come far too late.

” this is already criminalized in several other countries. What makes it damning is that Sweden is perhaps the country that has the most problems with terrorresenärer per capita. There is no quick fix against terrorism, it is about data storage, confidential serial data, signal intelligence and a strengthening of sanctions. It is worrying that the whole is so heavily delayed.

He fears that the penalties will be in line with the commission’s proposals.

– the maximum penalty would be two years, for ordinary drug offences. It is the same as for theft. It would be ridiculous low.

Lawyer: Thank the kurds and take home the Swedish ICE-terrorists

Syrienkurder send the appeal to Sweden: ”Take care of your ICE-terrorists”

Johan Croneman: No one seems to understand the consequences of the ICE warriors want to come home and let the kids go to swimming lessons again